The download URL will be deleted after three months. You can't request again after the period, so please check it.😄
It's the September reward file! The download URL will be deleted after three months. You can't request again after the period, so please check it.😉
Here is the reward of October.😁 It's including original files of artwork that I worked on during October. The download URL will be deleted after three months. You can't request again after the period, so please check it.😉
Here is the reward of November.😁 It's including original files of artwork that I worked on during November. The download URL will be deleted after three months. You can't request again after the period, so please check it.😉 Thanks.
Here is the reward of December. It's including original files of artwork that I worked on during December. The download URL will be deleted after three months. You can't request again after the period, so please check it.😉 Thank you always, and happy new year.✨🥰