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I posted some examples of manual liquid work on Discord in #preview-tier. And Mio's slimy mouth! (Still not rendered!) 

Character's are bald here, will have hair in the final obviously, but especially Master's placeholder spline hair looks silly with the saliva layer on top. And there were a couple people who expressed interest in seeing more bald Mio, so here you go!

I've opted to go with manual liquid animations for at least most of the stuff. There might be a few shots where I'll do dynamic liquid, but honestly, it's often not worth the effort in my opinion. These licking strands, for example, are relatively fast to do manually, but doing something similar would take ages simulated, at least if you don't want it to look silly.  

Rest of the spell effects are on hold for now, and some of them I might handle exclusively in post. My goal right now is to get several shots render ready, so I can start rendering some of them during January, and then do the rest of the simulation work while those are rendering on my other PC. So after I'm done with animating the liquids manually, which I'll likely be before the end of the year, I'll be doing the hair sims for a few shots, and then start doing test renders of those said shots.  

I'll post some more liquid related stuff during the final days of the year, until then, I hope everyone has a nice Holiday season!



