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First, I want to thank everyone for helping this page grow over 1000 patrons! That's quite a lot, considering I figured the best case scenario would be around 300 when I was starting out. Thank you everyone.

And now the more negative news. I've just received a new render machine that I ordered some days ago! I mean that's obviously a good thing. Unfortunately I had some trouble getting it to work properly. Which means I'm a bit behind on schedule regarding the renders. Well that's not the only reason, I've had a lot of issues during the rendering prep phase. On the positive side, now that the new PC does work, it should roughly triple my rendering power. This means either faster render times, or better rendering quality. I'll see which I'll go with, as I do more testing. The whole scene is around 27k frames long, so that's quite a lot of frames to render. As much as the entire prologue.

I won't have access to my PC for a couple days, starting tomorrow, so I'll likely post the tests on Sunday. I was aiming to get the scene rendering before I needed to leave, but there's no hope of that right now. 

This should not affect the final release date,  as that's not really tightly tied up to the render schedule, but it will likely affect the initial patreon release, not the WIP version though, that should still happen before the end of the month. Although admittedly even that will be cutting it close, if the remaining render prep ends up taking longer than expected.

I'll still keep working for a few hours, and if I somehow manage to get something I'm happy with done during that time, I'll post those before going to bed!

Anyway, just a heads up! Sorry for any potential delays due to all this! And thanks to all the patrons who made it possible to go through with this hardware upgrade! And as always, thanks for your patience.

For those who couldn't see it in the previous playblast post, the current estimated schedule is:

  • Unity WIP (gameplay/dialogue done, no audio, not rendered) - Before the end of the first week of July
  • Patreon release (will potentially be missing minor stuff like portraits/the new translation system, and only PC version, others will come with the final version of the part) - Second week of July (might be delayed a bit, due to the above mentioned stuff)
  • Final/Public release/Recordings/Recut - 3-6 days after the initial patreon release. It should be out before, or on the 14th.  (despite the other delays, assuming I don't bump into bigger issues)


SW Riddick

This chapter looks fantastic and both the WIP gameplay and rendered version will be well worth the wait!


Take your time


Eskoz we all understand here (I cant vouch for all but they should) that your just one person doing a thing and life sometimes happens. If theres like a week delay or so with content its no big deal at all! To many patreon people with high counts will go months without content drops but the fact that your so dedicated almost garuntees me a patron for life.


So far the cutting edge quality is what made you popular among 'our' humble little community and it is what got you the 1000 Patreons. So when you say you're not sure about going for speed-render or quality-render. As a ''client'' I'd say go for quality. It might take a bit longer, but atleast you would have gotten the maximum possible out of it. 2nd point is that this part of the game has been in the works for so long that I don't think another week extra shouldn't be a problem. This is 'just' my opinion regarding this though. can't speak for the rest of the community.

Tiny Experience

How long have you had a patreon for? I am new trying to expand on my giantess content and could use some tips! Maybe even coherse or merge some content for a larger audience? Thanks let me know :)


All good :)


Discovering Eskoz' videos not too long ago was like stumbling onto a treasure. Absolute gold.


I've had the patreon page up for 2 years now. I feel there's no big secret to it. It's mostly about doing quality content that people want to see. Preferably something that isn't available in huge amounts. If there's tons of similar content available, whether it be free or paid, it's going to be challenging to attract people. There's obviously more to it than that, like making sure people actually have a way to find your work, engaging with your fans/community and what not. All of that is also important, but in the end it all comes down to having attractive content. Without that, none of the other stuff matters.


Thanks for the encouragements everyone!


Hello Eskoz! Thank You for your epic game and all the efford to produce high quality videos =) If i would have to choose between quality or faster render time i would pick quality! I don't care if i have to wait more, hehe! =)


First of all, I am glad for you that you have reached 1000 patrons, and also acquired a new PC. Secondly, great, that you are working on rendering and mastering new equipment. Good luck!