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Hi everyone ^_^

Thankfully, I now have my Discord account back. Really sorry to worry you all. I'm especially sorry to the people who were hacked (and I believe in one case extorted) by the hacker puppet-ing my account.

I'm not sure how to apologise for this, nor how best to prove that I'm really me. What I do know is many people were kicked and blocked from my Discord community, including many long-term fans of the game. I want to link a new Discord link here, but am slightly worried people will consider it suspicious given the circumstances.

Instead, I'd like to post some unseen artwork to hopefully make people a little more reassured. As such, I present:

Puppy-girl Sketch By NimbleTail

Sheep/Bunny (Couldn't Decide) Bonnet By LilyBlax

The School Hallway By Silverjile - Love that he put up the room posters here.


So, hopefully that makes people more comfortable that I'm really me ^_^

I'll leave the discord link here at the end, I've separated them into an original link and a new invite, as I'm sure I've been told that kicked people can't use the same link as previously.

Original -> https://discord.gg/Db76vJV9KF

New -> https://discord.gg/jd3xum65y



I gotta ask if the link your account posted was infected, it seemed sus so I didn't download anything, but there was a link to some 'new project' on your discord. if nothing was downloaded, how can you be sure the link wasn't some sort of phishing scam? I think we have a right to know.


Hi Littlez-Gaming, I was hacked by a direct hacking attempt which private messaged me. The hacker had already hacked one of the artists who I work with, and so I wasn't as suspicious as I normally would have been (especially as he's talked of making his own game multiple times). After opening a blog post I was directed to, and running the file, my computer was infected and my Discord account was stolen. The hacker attempted to extort money out of me, however, I quickly closed down Discord and pulled my internet connection out (to stop him from being able to easily grab any more data as I worried might be happening). That stolen account was then used to try and scam others using the same scheme, including using my community server (and blocking/kicking people who pointed out the hack). I contacted Discord support, ran extensive anti-virus, and changed my passwords on basically everything. A few hours after it happened I regained access to my Discord account thanks to Discord support, who removed the phone authentication that the hacker had set to lock me out of the account (I don't own a smart-phone so can't run the Discord authentication app). At that point, I went through all my private messages to send people warnings, and posted this post here to notify people that things are now back under wraps. Does that explain everything? I've spent the last 13 hours trying to fix everything, and I'm not entirely sure what you're suggesting?