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Hey everyone ^_^

A couple of hours back my computer was hacked through Discord. Don't know how deep the hack is, but been trying to fix everything since. Currently I'm unable to regain my account as they've changed the password and added a mobile number to it. I've also been told my account is being used to scam others in the community.

Please spread the word.

Sorry for the trouble.



Posted in the discord for you so people can be aware.


Sorry you have to deal with this JP. Hope you’re able to get it back as quickly and with as little headache as possible

Avery Redburrow

Does this have to do with the discord post from this morning?


Was it the "try my game" download trick? Has happened to a few people I know. They had to do a clean windows install to actually nuke the virus off. They did a liveusb of Ubuntu to recover the files etc. I'd also see if anything you have the same password on was in a databreach using this. https://haveibeenpwned.com/


I reported the game content as spam and blocked your profile. User talked to me but didn’t click on links. Sorry that happened to you.


Really sorry this happened to you Vass. Glad you didn't get hit by it though. Please re-friend me when you get the chance, would miss not talking to you (even if I've been more quiet lately).


Hi Fortune ^_^ I really hope I don't have to go that far. I've scrubbed it with Norton and MalawareBytes, and changed passwords (with two-factor authentication where possible). Would hate to have to nuke my system :(