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Hi everyone ^_^

Things have been going a little slow on my end (about half of two separate longer scenes have been complete along with some art commissioning), so rather than not giving a weekly update I thought instead I'd do something a bit different. That's why this update instead is going to talk a bit about my plans for Baylee, and the Roommate/Slave system in general.

There will be spoilers, but I'll do my best to mark the sections that are more story/spoiler related.



The roommates and slaves system has been something on my mind for quite a while, and even now I think I've yet to fully dive deep into it (though we're getting closer with Alice and Jess who are effectively the prototypes for it). Here I'm going to go over a few of my central thoughts on it, and my plans for how it's going to advance in the future.

To start with, what is the Roommates/Slaves system meant to do? Well, the aims of the system are:

  • To give players more interaction with special NPC's - Obviously some NPC's are well beloved, and players want to interact more with them, whether that's changing their outfits, having sex with them, or just having more opportunities to chat with them.
  • To give dominant players an opportunity to be dominant - Not something we see much of yet (to an extent with Jess), but players will be able to have more dominant interactions, whether that's bossing around their Roommates/Slaves, or something more sexual.
  • To give submissive players an opportunity to be submissive in their own home - This is something I've yet to get to, though will be covered more in the Baylee content. Basically, I've always thought it'd be neat to have more opportunities for the player (if they are submissive) to be bossed around/dominated in their own homes outside of the Trainer content. In the future this might be impromptu sex, or perhaps the player being assigned chores to get done.
  • To offer alternative revenue sources for players - Having Roommates/Slaves can really pay returns, and serves as a kind of progression mechanic. Players will need to either do quests, build up a relationship, or spend large chunks of money to get their Roommates/Slaves, so it's important that there are benefits from doing so. Through the task assignments, players can make their Roommates/Slaves do jobs, some of which they are less than excited to do (but often might pay more).
  • To incentivize players to upgrade their homes - The benefits of upgrading the player housing is that the player has more room to fit in Roommates/Slaves, and the Roommates/Slaves have more amenities to keep them happy. Jess and Alice are both very easy to please, but in the future it'll be harder to keep some Roommates/Slaves happy, which might lead to them leaving or other consequences.
  • To give players the means to automate certain in-game sub-systems - Slowly I've been adding in little things, like the house cleanliness stat, or the plans for the hunger/thirst system. Part of the intention of the Roommates/Slaves system is that you'll be able to use your Roommates/Slaves to help you manage these things, but if they're doing that then they're not out there earning you money, which is the balance.

So, with all that in mind, what are my plans for the Roommates/Slaves system?

  • Custom Slaves - One of the aspects I've talked about the most is being able to catch/train/buy/sell slaves. I think this is a big aspect of dominant player content that I've wanted to approach for a long time, and that I've slowly in the background been making plans for. The full details on this would likely be a different weekly non-update post, but the simple version is that as they won't be story characters, instead players will have much more control over how they look and act. Players being able to put together their own fetish-y harem.
  • Roommate/Slave player random interactions - Perhaps a more obvious aspect, but I want to add in more interactions that pop up from the player moving around their house with their Roommates/Slaves. This could be meeting Alice in the bathroom and spending some time in the jacuzzi tub together, or it could be helping Jess around the kitchen to make lunch.
  • Roommate/Slave interactions with each other - I also want Roommates/Slaves not to be statically placed, so they'll randomly be scattered around your home. Part of this will be little interactions between the various story Roommates/Slaves, such as Alice playing dress-up with an embarrassed Jess in your bedroom.
  • Beds, I hate beds - I hate the bed code for where everyone is sleeping, it is just the worst. It has to be complicated, to some extent, as the player can have various combinations of people in each bed, but it feels awful to code/add anything to it, so I really need to get the bed situation sorted.
  • More story-related Roommates/Slaves - Obviously, there are more planned story Roommates/Slaves, the most evident one being Baylee. However, I have a fair few more planned, including a couple of Pet-Play Slaves the player will be able to buy, and a couple of Adult Slaves that the player will also be able to purchase.
  • Roommates/Slaves retaliation - As hinted at above in the intentions part, when complete Roommates/Slaves won't always do exactly what you ask of them. If you make them sleep somewhere embarrassing, or do a humiliating job, then if they don't like you enough they might rebel in some way. By adding this mechanic I hope to create some fun 'turning the tables' scenes, and also make it important to manage your Roommates/Slaves in a way where they are either kowtowed into doing what you want, or respect you enough to do so.


Baylee is a character I'm really excited to write. Some people have speculated that she might be a snobby popular-girl bully, though I think she's a bit more complicated than that. Of course, Baylee is also optionally a herm, with all the fun that comes with that too.

At its core, Baylee will be the first Roommate option for the player who will care about what their home situation is like. Baylee will want a proper bed, hopefully some amenities (such as a bathroom and kitchen), and maybe a bit more as she settles in. Keeping her happy will, mostly, be beneficial to the player, and if she's unhappy you might have to contend with her stealing a spot in your bed, or other such things.


The main core of Baylee's character is that she's cunning and opportunistic. As displayed during the first school day, Baylee is happy to surround herself with people, especially those she thinks are useful. For example, she always gets Catarina on the cheerleading team, which while beneficial to Catarina (she gets to be in the popular crowd and have the protection of Baylee), also benefits Baylee (she looks good and has someone easy to boss around).

When it comes to the player, she's also making the same calculation. She believes that either, the player will be someone cool to share a home with who will sort out most of the logistics, or the player will be someone who she can put under her thumb to sort these things out anyway (and then some).

Players who are dominant will see a friendly Baylee who sees them as equals (or complains about the home situation grumpily without much effect). However, a submissive player will find Baylee begins taking more control of things, bossing them around, and rewarding/punishing their behaviour.

There will be ways for submissive players to manage Baylee so she isn't their Dom. Without that though (for submissive players), Baylee will slowly become more invasive, starting by making demands about the home, but finding that she enjoys being in charge in an increasingly sexual and D/S way. This will follow through to a submissive player having minor favours demanded of them, escalating to private sexual favours, and eventually to more public humiliations.

At the same time, Baylee will put her foot down on anyone bullying her property (so to speak), so players will be protected from the actions of Jenny and Artyom. Of course, as she gets along well with Celeste, the sexual teasing and 'bullying' that comes from her will be overlooked.

Eventually I hope to follow this through to a relationship/dating path with Baylee.



Hopefully that all was interesting to you ^_^


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