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Hi everyone, and welcome to another weekly update ^_^

As it's only a few days since the last update, I'm still ongoing with the weekly plans stated there. However, as there's been a little time still, and that I want to get back into posting this regularly on Monday's I'll give you all a smaller update on what's going on.

So, to start with I've caught up on writing up the commissions/thank-you's list (the thank you list is in-game, whilst the commissons list is both on here and in-game), something that's been needed for quite a while. Maybe more importantly, I've started commissioning more art for the game, having now written up and paid for the first half of the art I'm looking to get from my main artist. I've still got a fair amount of art to get queued up, including some ABDL and Pet-Play art from the artists I get both of those from, but it's back in production so hopefully you'll start seeing some art updates soon (though I've got a couple of pieces to show over the next few days that landed during the delays).

In terms of game development, other than getting the thank you list updated, I've also been working through a lot of bug fixes and minor tweaks. Further, I've started to make some progress on the Villing (herm bunny-girl) dating options, so far writing up the option for dominant players to collar her, which will be followed up by some BDSM spanking (the player spanking her), and a new Villin date. Fingers crossed there should be a alpha build out tonight for people on the $10 tier and up.

My plans for the rest of the week are to move onto writing the Pet-Play content after finishing up that section of Villin content. For the Pet-Play I'll be writing up the stage 2 Pet-Play Trainer start, where the player chooses their pet type (there will be an option to swap it at a later date). Further, I'll be working on some of the basic scene swaps for the stage 2 Pet-Play Trainer, so that those nightly encounters continue to make sense (and get a little steamier and more hardcore). Depending on how all that goes, I'll continue working on the chastity content, aiming to get the wear-able aspect of it in place at least. Finally, I do still want to get some more minor scenes in place, along with working on basic usage options for both the brothel and the glory-hole, and to put some work into a mystery content section that I don't want to spoil too early as I'm still working out the logistics (the only spoiler I'll give is that it's ABDL related). However, those last parts I'll be trying to slot in when I have time, so I may or may not make headway with them this week.



The commission list is now in place, and I've seen that I'm further back than I hoped. Additionally, I've taken down the two $50 tiers. The upside of all this is that now I'm back working on commissions they should start to clear up :)

The open commission spots as of this moment are:

- 1 x Facility Client ($15 tier)


I think that's everything. If you've made it through all that you're great! As always suggestions and comments are always welcome (and appreciated). 

Thank you everyone, and have fun ^_^


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