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Hi everyone, and welcome back to another monthly and weekly update on what my plans are for The Repurposing Center. It's been a while since the last time I did one of these, and for that I'm sorry. Some recurring health issues and work issues kept building up, and after that it was hard to get back on top of things. Now things are a little more in order (and the nightmare which was coding the cat-girl system is done - I love cat-girls, but no other section has had more bugs in all my development), I'm going to try to get back to posting weekly and monthly updates, along with the regular polls that give you all a chance to help steer the project.

Last month was a little on the slow side, but some serious work was done on the cat-girl content that I can now build upon in the future. Hopefully you've all found at least one cat-girl you like (I'm in the minority as someone who finds Lollipop endearing in her own way), and figuring out how best to game the points and ranking system should offer up some interest for those of you who like min/maxing. After all that wait though I think it's time we get to some other content, so for the rest of this month we'll be sailing through some more varied polled and commissioned content ^_^

This month my focus covers mostly commissioned and polled content, as it has really piled up. But, I also want to give you all something to sink your teeth into, so I'll be aiming at getting a little more content out for Villin, expanding both the Fem/Sissy Trainer and the Pet-Play Trainer, and some ABDL content for those who've been patiently waiting for more of that.

In terms of ongoing polls, the winning new scene for the last minor content poll was a draw between Riley and Shadow, so both your favourite sweet and sultry cat-maids will be getting their own cat-maid job encounters. Things have been a bit of mess lately, but I'm just catching up on the art backlog (sent out some commission emails already), with a new monthly art poll coming at the start of the next month.



The commission list is now in place, and I've seen that I'm further back than I hoped. Additionally, I've taken down the two $50 tiers. The upside of all this is that now I'm back working on commissions they should start to clear up :)

The open commission spots as of this moment are:

- 1 x Facility Client ($15 tier)


Monthly Plans

This month, my main aims are; To try to catch up on major polled and commissioned content areas. Previously I'd hinted that my next goal was to work on Mistress Sarah's route where the player becomes her submissive, however I'm putting that back slightly. Instead, I'll be trying to get the chastity content for Fem/Sissy trainer in place, working on more Villin (the bunny-girl herm) dating content, progressing with the next step of the Pet-Play trainer, and an ABDL area of content that I'm keeping quiet on for now as I don't know how long it'll take to get working.

1/ Villin The Bunny-Girl Herm Continuation - Villin has a couple of extra dates intended for her which add a little more depth to the character, but Villin's real charm will be all the ways the player can impact upon her personality. At the moment players can unlock having sex with Villin if they build up their relationship, but these kind of options will be further expanded on as we progress.

Firstly, Villin will be claimable as a submissive if the player has enough relationship with her and a high enough dominance score (they'll also need the collaring kit). Doing this will allow BDSM scenes with Villin, and will bring a more D/S style to the relationship. Meanwhile, players will also be able to instead convince her to become their little if they prefer more ABDL content. Finally, there are plans for allowing Villin to be impregnated by the player (male and female), which will add a new facet to their relationship. Eventually, Villin will also have endings attached to her.

2/ Stage 2 Pet-Play Trainer - This is a continuation of the previously established content, but I'll explain what the next steps will entail. Largely, the first part will be the player deciding which pet type they wish to be trained as (puppy, kitten or pony for now).

After picking their pet type (with the option to change it later), the training scenes will then become much more tailored to the pet type. I'll be adding in various pet style beds as part of this, which will go together with the pet-play outfits added a couple of updates back to help make the new content more immersive. Additionally, the training scenes in general will get a little more hardcore, such as public walkies, eating from pet bowls, etc.

As with the standard model for stage trainer stage 2's players will possibly be assigned a task to complete every day, with punishments and rewards attached to doing so. If the player fails regularly enough, then Vincent will determine them to have failed their pet-play trainer, leading to a selection of 'bad endings'.

I'm still toying with the possibility of an even harsher stage 3 for the pet-play trainer, but if I make a decision on it I'll let you all know.

3/ Stage 2 Fem/Sissy Trainer - This is a continuation of the previously established content, but I'll explain what the next steps will entail. Largely, the first part will be a decision by the player whether they want to go down the Femininity path or the Sissy path with Laura (an option she'll leave open to the player).

The Sissy path will feature the player being pressured into wearing extremely girly or slutty clothing (depending on her attitude at the time), getting their hair put into girlier styles, wearing makeup, etc. Laura will even offer to help the player retain (or regain) their penis, though will do so at a cost. She will, however, not do much in the way of transforming the players body, leaving them mostly male. There will be tasks for the player to complete, mainly sexual and humiliating, with harsh punishments for not fulfilling them and minor rewards for doing so. Getting too many punishments will lead to a 'Bad End'. Chastity will be added as an option at this stage but not enforced (that's for stage 3).

The Femininity path is less harsh than the sissy path and will feature the player being pressured into wearing girly or slutty clothing (their choice), getting their hair put into girlier styles, wearing makeup, and overall becoming more physically feminine. Laura will offer to make the players lack of a penis permanent, rewarding them if they agree. There will be tasks for the player to complete, though they will be nicer than the Sissy path, more focused on being a girl than of a sexual nature (though there will be sexual choices to pick). There will be rewards for completing these tasks, and minor punishments (mostly transformation/appearance related) for failing them, though getting too many punishments will lead to a 'Bad End'.

4/ Groundwork For An ABDL Content Section - I don't want to spoil this too early, and it might take a while, but I'll be jumping into a fun new section of ABDL content -_^


Weekly Plans

My main focus is: Writing up the continuation of the Villin (the bunny-girl herm's) dating path. I want to get the next date done, along with adding in the ability to collar her as your submissive and some BDSM sex to go along with it.

My secondary focus is: Mostly commissioned content. I want to work on both the chastity system and the continuation of the Pet-Play trainer content.

In terms of minor content, I'll be working on; Mostly polled content. Primarily, the (polled) hand milking oral dairy encounter, the (polled) Non-Con/Bondage scene of being mistaken for an escaped slave, a (polled) fem-dom cum feeding encounter, a (polled) dildo sucking competition, (polled) Alice asking questions random encounter, the (polled) brothel encounter where the player is requested bound due to a scared female client, a (polled) random encounter featuring the Wheel of Transformation game show, the (polled) hidden camera jello pool encounter, a (polled) rampaging beautician robot, the (polled) stuck in concrete scene with body-writing, the (polled) slave cum-swapping scene, the (polled) spanking 'top-up' session, the (polled) walking herd of hucows scene, the (polled) deg brothel bondage enema scene, the (polled) industrial dairy faulty milkers scene, the (polled) girly girl gang hairstyling attack encounter, the (polled) female kissing brothel session, the (polled) Riley and Shadow Pussy Lickers job encounters, the (polled) cosplay event, the (polled) Mistress Sarah submissive path, the (polled) Seb minor quest, the (polled) sex toys and chastity update, the (polled) addition of Milky's Diner, and finally the (polled) Alice second quest.


I think that's everything. If you've made it through all that you're great! As always suggestions and comments are always welcome (and appreciated). 

Thank you everyone, and have fun ^_^


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