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Hi everyone.

I'm sorry to say it, but there won't be a Patreon build this week (and as such no public build either). I've got a bit of writing done over the course of this week, mostly towards (commissioned) ABDL content. However, having been hauled up in bed a decent chunk of this week, I've been unable to put together enough for what I consider a new build.

I hope to push through and have things back to normal by next week. My apologies for any disappointment this may have caused.



Do you maybe need help?


Maybe a little. Some additional help would be greatly appreciated ^_^ I can normally get about an average of 10k words a week out, but long term health issues (and to an extent writers block) sometimes get in the way of a week here or there (normally 1 week ever 4 or 5 it seems). Further, it's a big project, and sometimes I do feel I skimp on sections in the interest of time. If anyone would be interested in compiling bug/grammar reports. Or, would be interested in adding their own writing to the project, then I would happily take submissions (though may need to edit them to fit better).


Well, I am not a great writer (although I am trying), but I am something of a programmer, and would also be happy to do at least some bug testing/grammer checking/editing/proof reading, so maybe I could help out, if you want?


That would be really awesome Prince Draco ^_^ I know there are probably a lot of tiny problems lurking around in my code/grammar (whenever I look back at some of my older work within the project I notice a massive leap in how I handle things). So, if you're willing to give that a shot It'd make my day. If you need to get hold of me over anything then feel free to message me here or on TFGamesSite (I think they have a slightly nicer messaging system). And, Thanks!