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Hi everyone.

For quite some time (about 9 months) I've been working hard to create quality erotic interactive fiction. All of you here have been lovely, and greatly supportive of my efforts, to which I'm immensely grateful. You really are what makes my work what it is, and I don't know how far The Repurposing Center would have ever gotten without the amazing advice and aid given by my wonderful community.

However, lately I've had a number of issues that have dented my motivations. Now, don't worry, I have no plans of stopping, nor do I have any plans to slow down or take a break either. However, my health has sadly been in a poor state, and lately I've received some rather unpleasant comments and messages regarding my work. Additionally, I've had growing worries about the projects inability to maintain growth, a lot of interest and support having evaporated over the last 3 months or so.

To help break me out of some of this malaise, I've started to do some minor writing on a small side project, of which the above image is in regards to. I don't want to spill too much at this point, but it's a TF-based interactive novel (certainly less game-like than The Repurposing Center) with multiple dating options, focused heavily on yuri interactions, and titled, "My Space Princess". 

I hope to put 1-2k of words into it a week, so there likely shouldn't be much difference in what you see added to The Repurposing Center, which will always remain my main project. When I have a more complete demo, I'll be uploading it here first for you all to see, and will likely be publishing it once a month (around the start of the month).


Whew! That was a lot to write.

So, to sum everything up. I'm working on a small side project called My Space Princess, but am still heavily invested in continuing The Repurposing Center. That, and you're all great ^_^


P.S. I'm also looking for ways to expand my community, so if anyone has any suggestions about; what they'd like to see me add in terms of Patreon rewards, things that you think I could do better, and ways for me to advertise my work to a wider audience. Then I'd be extremely appreciative.



=| haters.


Yeah it sucks, even if it's somewhat to be expected :( I've had a few in the past, but have usually been quick to report direct insults (though actual criticism, even the meaner stuff I keep). TFGamesSite is really good for handling matters speedily. Sadly, I've been receiving a few more than usual lately, and some rather awful comments directly in exit-surveys from this Patreon (which has no moderation, and is completely anonymous). I try to keep my head up over it, but sometimes I need to take a step back and get my brain back in gear.