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PIC1: I didn't even provide DLSSG with the camera matrix so it doesn't know I am rotating, I believe with proper camera data the ghosting on left side can be eliminated.

PIC2: 88FPS with DLSSG off and 150FPS with DLSSG on.

Like losing 13 real frames. It's like the average loss though.

I lose some real frames with other games with official DLSS3 implementations anyway.

The good news is that the fake frames in Skyrim are much better than in Elden Ring(which I'll look into fixing later).

They are mostly with very little ghosting and only some very small artifacts that's not really noticable with higher FPS, and it looks much smoother.

The bad news is relfex isn't working with DLSSG on, and it's the same even in Nvidia's own Streamline Sample.

I have opened an issue on their repo:


But I don't think they will fix it very soon.

On the bright side, Skyrim is a single player RPG, so the latency doesn't matter as much as for competitive games.

This is still very WIP so won't be released very soon, I still have to feed it with camera matrix and make Skyrim render UI to a seperate texture so that UI won't be affected by DLSSG.

EDIT: Huh, I don't really know, reflex seems to be working, only that I can't get latency report when DLSSG is loaded.

It feels about the same as the latency of the real frames, like if it's 40 FPS to 80 FPS, it feels about the same latency as you would with 40 FPS, but with much smoother image.




Looking good! Now all I gotta do is figure out how the hell I'm gonna afford a 4080 or 4090 xD


The point of DLSS mod is that so you wouldn't have to... Use the regular DLSS mod. The DLSS3 is not really necessary. It's great that PureDark is doing it for those that have a tech, but it doesn't mean you have to upgrade your hardware now. Use your old GPU with his regular DLSS mod. Works as good, I believe. I use a huge Skyrim build, so I can't even use his regular DLSS mod, but it's not his fault, his mod works fine, so you should be able to get some great FPS even with the GPU you have now.


I know xD. I got a 3070 which works real well. All I'm saying is it would be real nice if I had a 4090 :D


Actually if you can't gain from DLSS2 when using a huge build, it's mostly because of CPU bottleneck, which DLSS3 can actually help with. But then again I don't mean to tempt anyone into buying a 40 card...


Nah man don't worry. Even if i did have a 4090, it won't fit in my pc, I'd have to get a new case, I'd have to buy a much stronger CPU (right now I got a Ryzen 7 3700x), and I'd have to buy a more powerful PSU. And on top of that the new 40 cards are like 1400$... I simply can't at that price xD.

Ramesh Laxmisan

The latest ENB compatible version is awesome - giving me 35-59 fps on a heavily modded Skyrim. Didn't pay for RTGI though. Playing around with the Nolvus reshade and CinematicDOF to see if I can sharpen the image without losing performance.

Mat wilson

Damn, that's a real shame about reflex not working. I'm going to state the obvious and tell you that reflex can be added via a mod, and also injectable via special k. However i suspect you already know that and it still doesn't work with dlss 3.

Mat wilson

I'm going to actually reinforce what puredark just said. If you're having no issues with skyrim and you are happy with the limitations of skyrims engine. Then use dlss for the image quality or the performance gain before skyrim runs into it's limits. If however you notice or care about how skyrim quickly runs into a cpu bound scenario, dlss 3 is a tool to move past the limitations of such engines in a brute force manner. This is something older dlss is incapable of - because it's a completely different technology. For example, modded skyrim has a absolute TON of draw calls. Particularly if you use dyndolod at max, detailed road mods, smm, etc. You can literally create 20 times more draw calls than vanilla. This results in the fps starting to drop quite a bit, if you have an adaptive sync monitor, it won't be a huge issue, because skyrim se has fantastic frame pacing they added to that edition of the game. So you'll be getting smooth frames, just lower frames. Dlss 3 however allow you double fps (just under double), beyond it's original threshhold. What this means is if you hit 47fps due to a 200 mod visual load order, and your gpu is sitting there doing nothing even at 4k, dlss comes in and fills the rest of that potential to twice the original framerate regardless of the engine bouncing against that cpu wall. So you're going to get 80-90fps or more. And that gpu usage will also go up because of the work that dlss 3 is doing with the optical flow and cuda cores. This means you have twice the available headroom. In severe cases you're going to drop into the 30's. With things like open cities. And it's got nothing to do with your cpu, which will be idling while the engine is maxed out with draw calls. Now you'll be getting the smoothness of upper 60's. Ideally. So it's an awesome tech if you want to optimize an ambitious skyrim modded install. Furthermore, dlss 3 can also help on the gpu backbone. Things like enb tend to use absolutely terrible levels of gpu power for effects that don't return the visuals. However because dlss 3 is a flat fps gain, you'll be doubling your enb fps as well. And that gpu limited scenario will have a large amount more headroom. However because puredark can't add reflex (yet), the input lag will be noticeable. Dramatically. And weither or not that's worth it to you could be debatable. I think it's a brilliant tech. But i'll be extra excited if we get that input lag down to reasonable levels with it enabled.

Mat wilson

Looking forward to the alpha regardless. Good luck with separating the ui as a texture and the camera matrix.