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The Patrons version can be found in [Posts] with name: "Version 0.?.? for PATRONS ..."

My promise to Patrons:
  • At the beginning of each month I’ll publish a plan of updates. Each new version has number 0.<number_version>.<type_version>.<build> (for example:
  • I will publish pictures and information about the development during the month.
  • I’ll publish new version at the end of each month.
  • Patrons can acquire special potions, special dresses, rings, which will help them to do the house works flawlessly, to gather more magic materials or to easily decipher magic scrolls.

Version types are divided:
  • Patron $5 has access to version 0.<number_version>.2.<build> - full version of the game with visible illustrations.
  • Patron $1 has access to version 0.<number_version>.1.<build> - always the full version of the game, just without illustrations. Illustrations are particularly hidden with text.
  • Free version 0.<number_version>.0.<build> - limited storyline, limited transformation, no illustrations, particularly hidden avatar.
Thank you
Added: 2023-10