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It turns out that a child of Link's is just as quick and impatient as the father. Despite Zelda's best efforts, the baby arrived before Link could return... As usual, the main content is at the bottom of the post. Do not scroll down if birth content is not your thing! (Download the gif for best quality!)

After numerous gifs focusing on the birth itself, I thought an a quickie animation focusing on an underlooked part of the birthing process might be nice—after the birth! (I made sure to not type "afterbirth", because that's another thing entirely XD) And I had planned to do something with Zelda for a long time, because she's a cutie. BotW Zelda > all other Zeldas. IMO.

I'll be exploring other parts of the birthing process than just the pushing, so look forward to them! 

As for next weeks Duesday content? I'm not sure if it will be the Lust birthing gif, or perhaps I'll post my sketch for Lust and then make the animation for the Duesday after that. I'll keep you informed! 

Scroll down for the uncensored animated gif. Birth content warning!






Last warning!









Tarponpet Secord

Daaw, wish you showed breast feeding more often


There's a lot of things surrounding pregnancy I haven't explored much, and breast feeding is definitely one of them. I think it's cute as heck. ♥ I'd be happy to do more if people like the concept!

Richard Handy

I know this might be stealing focus, but wet nurse stuff has potential. I imagine if you have characters give birth to multiples (Knowing this crowd that's almost a given) then it would be cute/sexy/silly to show the female friends growing huge milky boobs to help feed the tiny crowd when they all show up.


Just noticed the Triforce pubes, hilariously nice touch and new headcanon