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Password >>> l0st823n4c3v4n6s

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MEGA 4K >>> https://mega.nz/file/9d4gXTAa#lb_xdtmTMZndp54TkpyRk1sN9WJUs3ZNrCW8KrfltdM 

MEGA 1080p >>> https://mega.nz/file/RAwGHbIC#EZBbPQyCB2_p3YxqyLmk3kxxdOn4rk0hBbNNvXYwJJk 

A mysterious woman is captured, and taken to a secret facility to be interrogated. Her crime? The murder of a pregnant woman. But not just any pregnant woman...

Phew, had a few hiccups while making it but it is finished! As usual, this is but a taste of the story, which will be continued into the Deluxe files. I wonder what kind of "persuasion" Lust's inhuman and infinitely regenerating body can handle? :3

(Note to Self-Insert tiers: yours names are in here, but somewhat hidden. Can you find them?) 

Now to finish another Sketch Tier sketch and begin work on the 1st Deluxe for Lust (because I don't really think this will be one part *sweat*). TTFN!




As nicely done as this is, the whole 'murder of a pregnant woman' backstory has me wondering if any of the other potential villain ladies from the poll would have ignored such an event had they been chosen. >_> It honestly kinda diminishes the whole sexiness factor of the animation.


Oh wooooow, I think this may just be my favorite animation so far. Very much looking forward to the Deluxe!!


I did go back and forth on including such a story angle, but when I considered that Lust is incredibly malicious and has little to no respect to humanity, not to mention that FMA: Brotherhood is similarly as grim in tone and topic, I decided to go a bit further than I normally would. In hindsight, maybe it was a bit too much. Other villains would not go as far, for sure (depending on which of them we're talking about). If other folks agree it's too much, I'll edit out the pregnant wife part, or that Lust simply injured her, but didn't kill her (or her child, naturally). Also, I won't be endlessly bringing up the wife part: it's merely one element of Lust's plan going forward. My apologies!

Richard Handy

Yeah this definitely felt more like the anime, that's for sure.


I ppolitely wish to tip the scales the other way. I think this matches FMA in tone and content and suits Lust perfectly. I want more of this. This dark sexy jiggly expansion.


The tone, art colors, shading and content all show FMA influence. It's probably my favorite anime and I feel this really shows first hand knowledge. I like what you've done and what you're presenting. This is very much being saved amidst my treasures. I'm eagerly awaiting the deluxe(s) to drop. Top praise, D.P.!


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with keeping the harm to the pregnant wife in the theme/dialogue. It’s part of this character’s character. I would prefer to see the expansion (tee hee) of these darker characters.


Your praise means a lot! I always try to emulate the style of the show / series a character comes from, and while I don't have the budget of a big anime studio, I feel like this one came somewhat close to the tone of Brotherhood. I hope the Deluxes will satisfy you as much as this part did!


I can see why some folk would dislike it, though, especially as I tend towards light-hearted material over the darker stuff. Getting close to the source material is one thing, but I don't have to go so far if it could potentially leave a bad taste behind. It's something to bear in mind, is all :)


A fine sentiment, but you're multi-talented and this gives you a chance to stretch other wings. Plus, as I said before, it suits the series the character is from. If you were making an animation of a character from another series you would be endeavoring to make the best representation of that character and series. Perhaps a content advisory but I don't believe you should limit yourself, then we all lose and nothing has variety, depth or meaning. Furthermore its an offscreen death. Nothing is depicted. I don't enjoy birth scenes, but I wouldn't want you to change or omit them, that would be unkind to the fine folks that enjoy those. I enjoy this animation and I'd like to see your deluxes maintain the vision YOU have. I'm interested in YOUR Lust Animation. This might be the character's only visit here. I'd be disappointed if that one appearance was diminished because of animations that have already sat in the pilot's chair.


😁 I haven't gone back to view FMA since both versions came out. But I'm a huge fan. I wasn't sure if Lust was the right choice simply because this is a little different from your usual... but the moment it started with the stairs, I felt giddy with anticipation. The same anticipation I had watching the first episodes of both series. And then you revealed Luuuuust. Oh my god, she's never deserved the name more. Mmm! It's so unbridled and raw. And shocking! It is really, really good. I want to enjoy every last smidgeon of this animation. I'm not crowning it my favorite lightly. Lucoa's remained top dog in my eyes. This could remain personally undisputed for years too. I'll let you know! 😚


she should be punished! ...... by becoming a massively pregnant baby factory for her crimes!