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May Update: Poll goes live tomorrow. Don't forget to get your names in!

It's that time again—put a waifu name into the pot for the May poll! Holy poop, May is not far away at all...

So. Who do you want to suggest? Usual rules apply: 

* Any character, barring characters vetoed at my own discretion, is eligible for suggestion. Don't suggest my characters, lol. 

* Depending on the type of character, furry choices are okay. 

* If you suggest a character that is too young / outside of my comfort zone, I will ask you to suggest another, ie 18+ years old canonically. Patreon is actively cutting posts containing content with underage characters, so please do not suggest them. You may suggest another if I decline your choice.

* If you suggest someone else's OC, their inclusion is completely dependant on whether the owner gives permission. If the creator says no, you can pick another name. (Why don't I ask the manga authors their permission to use their characters? W-well...) 

* If you give me multiple names but do not tell me which one you want, I will take the first one you suggested. 

* Mt Lady is absolutely not eligible, before you think about putting her name forward. I will bury your feet in hot sand if you do. :<

I think that's about it. Suggest away! 
