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Bess story poll—choose which story you want to see

  • Pregidemic (Lots of pregnancy expansions...or as many as I can make. I'm only one person! :X ) 61
  • Wanted (involves preg transfer and hyperpreg) 37
  • Paranormal Maternity (involves ghosts and phantom pregnancy ie belly with no babies in it) 20
  • Exorcise Regimen (Belly expansion, maybe expansions of other body parts too) 15
  • All to ourselves (Sex (duh), pregnancy expansion, hyperpregnancy) 112
  • 2020-04-12
  • —2020-04-20
  • 245 votes
{'title': 'Bess story poll—choose which story you want to see', 'choices': [{'text': "Pregidemic (Lots of pregnancy expansions...or as many as I can make. I'm only one person! :X )", 'votes': 61}, {'text': 'Wanted (involves preg transfer and hyperpreg)', 'votes': 37}, {'text': 'Paranormal Maternity (involves ghosts and phantom pregnancy ie belly with no babies in it)', 'votes': 20}, {'text': 'Exorcise Regimen (Belly expansion, maybe expansions of other body parts too) ', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'All to ourselves (Sex (duh), pregnancy expansion, hyperpregnancy) ', 'votes': 112}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 20, 22, 24, 50, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 12, 10, 31, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 245}


The winner of the OC poll was Bess, the plump clumsy babysitter! Now to decide what story she appears in. There's a few of my ideas in there, along with a few suggestions from patrons (edited for clarity and also time needed to make them). I wonder what will happen to Bess next?

If you have extra votes from your tier to use, let me know where you want them to go via the comments or PM. Yes, I can tell what tier you are so don't try anything funny. XD 

That's enough talking. Let democracy reign! 

"Pregidemic" —Bess has not been feeling well lately, to the point where it has affected her pregnancy transfer powers. Unable to figure out what is wrong, she heads to the hospital for a check-up. It turns out her powers are wildly out of control, and the effects are plainly visible on almost every woman Bess passes by on her way to the hospital... (Lots of pregnancy expansions...or as many as I can make. I'm only one person! :X )

"Wanted" — Bess and her boyfriend, Scott, put an ad in the paper: "Free babysitting, all weekend! No limits!" I wonder how many pregnant women in the area will take her up on the offer?  (involves preg transfer and hyperpreg)

"Paranormal Maternity" — Despite not taking on any active babysitting work, Bess' belly keeps getting bigger and bigger...what could be causing this? She sets up a video camera to find out the cause... (involves ghosts and phantom pregnancy ie belly with no babies in it, maybe eventually turning into an ectoplasmic baby?)

"Exorcise Regimen" — Bess is trying to lose weight, but no matter what, her belly continues to grow. It appears that the ghosts that infest her apartment have decided to start playing pranks, and Bess's body bears the brunt of their hijinks... (Belly expansion, maybe expansions of other body parts too) 

"All to ourselves" — After a busy day of babysitting and other menial tasks, Bess and her boyfriend, Scott, return to the bedroom to unwind, and also Bess wishes to reward his help throughout a taxing day. It turns out that a new power has manifested: rapid pregnancy after unprotected sex! While they are shocked by this sudden power, they are not afraid of it and decide to test its limits... (Sex (duh), pregnancy expansion, hyperpregnancy) 



Whatever that makes her... hey,, wait a minute, this time is an actually hard decission! I hate you when you make me think! >:p

Tyler Hayman

Damn these choices are a tough

Dan Evans

First poll I'm taking up on here and wow, decisions...decisions...


My first and second vote on "All to ourselves" ;)


I'm quite proud of that Exorcise Regimen pun, not gonna lie


I would bet my whole existence in that the only reason you made the 2 b birth animation was for the pun sounds great in your head


All on pregdemic

Joshua S

These all sound fun tbh. But I deffo wanna focus on Bess


Damn, tough poll again? Although I was sold on "Paranormal Maternity" at first, I think I'm going to vote for "All to ourselves", so please put all my extra votes on that option ;)

Zen Jehnson

I can tell why everyone picked the sex one (duh) but I'm really really majorly bummed that pregidemic is not the winner here; that sounds amazing and unlike anything you've done yet, PLEASE don't scrap that story permanently

Zen Jehnson

TBH that's actually pretty similar to a custom I was going to request if you ever became able to work them into your schedule, otherwise I wouldn't be quite so bummed


If it's good, it'll never be abandoned! A few of the ideas here have returned from previous polls, so they'll always return in some form (unless the amount of votes they got were appalling lol) Maybe I'll try to do Pregidemic as a series of shorts sketches as a consolation prize Alas, my usual sigh about only having so much time and blast it at how long these things take to make lol. Perhaps it's time I took on an intern (anyone know how to animate using Wick Editor?)

Zen Jehnson

Well, please don't overtax yourself or feel like you need to appeal to just me. I just voice my thoughts because I feel like you're a personable creator and you like input and hearing things people really like or feel strongly about in a good way. I'm a fan of your stuff no matter what ya make. Do forgive me if it came off as whining, that was not my intent.


No, it didn't sound like whining in any way. But I also understand what it's like to want something and then not get it, so if there's something I can do to make it possible (and if it's possible to do it), then I'll try my best to help out. I do like to hear what people think, but it's rare how often I get to hear that lol