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(your pledge entitles you to everything I've posted in the month that you joined. Older content is sometimes left up online but may be vaulted for sale on Gumroad here: https://hardmode.gumroad.com/?_gl=1*7yztmf*_ga*MTA...) Welcome! :D I'm thrilled that you're here and I can't wait to collaborate with you on all the future stuff we're gonna make! I'd love to see you comment on posts and suggest what other characters/fandoms you would like to see me lewd, and eventually I'll gather up the requests and make periodic polls for voting :) See you out there, and thanks again!

Added: 2023-12

*****First off, here's a link to the most recent reward folder to save you some time!*****

(your pledge entitles you to everything I've posted in the month that you joined. Older content is sometimes left up online but is usually vaulted for sale on Gumroad here: https://hardmode.gumroad.com/?_gl=1*7yztmf*_ga*MTA...)
Welcome! :D
I'm thrilled that you're here and I can't wait to collaborate with you on all the future stuff we're gonna make! I'd love to see you comment on posts and suggest what other characters/fandoms you would like to see me lewd, and eventually I'll gather up the requests and make periodic polls for voting :)

See you out there, and thanks again!
Added: 2023-02