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May as well try to explain the horny logistics of it while I'm posting.

Idea is Ash acquires the power to absorb/steal/schlorp the souls of anyone she gives a smooch to. No real explanation to why, isn't important. It's an AU so she doesn't have her usual mischievous
part stuff before this assumedly.

First discovers this power most likely when giving Launna an intimate smooch, either before she leaves for work, or after returning home. Power activates and Launna's soul ends up going poof!  More than likely ending up absorbed into Ash's big dumb tits.

Ash quickly realizes what happens after Launna's memories, thoughts, personality, etc all flood into her mind, giving her full access to essentially everything that made up Launna as a person. And having full conscious and unconscious control over her body like a limb.

Either as a result of the magic, or perhaps because she's essentially also Launna now, owning her mind, she doesn't really care or think about the fact that she's "gone".

She can fully control, semi-control, or allow her other bodies seemingly full autonomy. Allowing them to operate on their personalities, memories, etc. Yet no matter what they're always Ash, connecting back to her mind, just accessing their old mental information from her, like computers connecting to a main server.

Ash refers to the other gals as her body parts, and they refer to her as her owner, but usually not outright.

Also the degrees Ash is controlling someone affects how people perceive them, some perception/reality alteration comes into play.

If Launna is fully autonomous, her sister, Laura, would see and speak to her as Launna. But be aware that Launna is now a part of Ash or her possession in some way, seeing this as normal.
-"Well if it isn't my favorite lil sis! Ash have you stop by to get pampered? Or did you come on your own to pay your darling sister a visit, hmm?"

If Ash were to semi-control Launna from that point, essentially becoming consciously aware of her senses but still maintaining the "facade" of Launna, her sister would be aware she WAS just talking to Launna but now recognize her as Ash.
-"Yeah I can't stand wearing t- Oh hey Ash! Glad of you to hop into the conversation! I was just talking to your Launna about- Well you already know, you share a brain afterall. Anyway as I was saying Ash- I can't stand wearing that brand of jeans either, they're always waaaay too tight around the hips, you know girl? Of course you do, you're packin more junk in the trunk than two of me combined!"

If Ash were to go from full Launna autonomy, to direct control, people will now see Launna's body as just a full extension of Ash. Forgetting that Launna ever existed essentially. Until Ash sets her back to auto-pilot.
-“Hey there Laun- Oh Ash! I didn’t see you there. Come by to say hi? ”

I'm going to assume this high concept stuff is more confusing that it should be, as usual. So if you have any questions just comment them lol. I don't mind.


Toxxie .

This stuff is absolute diamonds.


This is absolutely wonderful here


Always exciting to see this kind of stuff from you, not my particular cup of tea but definitely interesting regardless.


I love this high concept stuff! Keep up the great work!