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Last of the Ashverse pics with text.

Ryn and her Mom hanging out on a shopping trip, dressed in some very uncharacteristically lewd outfits, grabbing a handful of each other's asses as they casually chat about what they'll cook for Ash once they get home.

Ash can have her bodies go on a sort of "autopilot". They're basically indistinguishable from how they were before they became part of Ash, having all of their memories, personality, etc. They're still Ash despite this, usually referring to her affectionately as their "owner".
She usually likes doing this when she's not enacting some sort of lewd scene for her own enjoyment, because she still likes the company. :>




We truly are blessed this day, thank you papa Frank for all the good content


So does this ability of hers only work with people (i.e. not inanimate objects)?


Yeee, though I'm interested what you'd have in mind for inanimate objects haha.