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We know we've been very quiet lately, and we apologize for that. Progress is being made, it's just that we've run into far more difficulties this month than we anticipated.

When we shipped Charlotte, we knew there were issues with her. We didn't have time to fix those if we were supposed to get a build out, so of course we've been very eager to fix them now for the next build. And we are... It's just that each time we fix an issue, it's like another one pops up in its stead. It's like it has been this never ending game of whack a mole. And the moles keep popping up.

I was hoping we'd have everything patched by the time we posted this update, but the truth is it isn't. There's still issues we need to fix. But while that may be the case, we have still made some progress that we'd like to share.

First up - redesign of Charlotte's tits.

The inflated state turned out a lot more balloon-feeling that we intended, so we have completely remade the inflation for Charlotte:

New inflation


(Comparison to old)


As you can see, the tits look more natural now and sag a lot more too.

They also react to belly inflation:


Furthermore, teats and inverted nipple shapes have been moved to "Breasts" category and now also work properly with inflation/deflation:


We have also worked a lot with trying to get the deflated state to look better. In the latest release, there were some really odd and undesirable shadows showing up. This has now been fixed.

New deflation


Comparison to old


(Was very noticable in certain lighting)


This was actually kind of hard to accomplish, and probably more advanced from a technical point of view than might first seem to be the case. The problem (partially) is that as the shape of the body is changed (through deflation), we need to update the surface properties as well (vertex normals) to reflect these changes. Previously, we have pre-calculated those properties, but the issue here is that some blend shapes affect the same surface normals, and thus cannot be pre-calculated (in this case area between tits and belly). This forced us to come up with a real-time vertex normal update solution. So what you're actually seeing here is the mesh surface being recalculated and updated in realtime each time inflation is changed. This was hard to optimize, and we still aren't quite sure if this method is feasible or not. There's some delay (~50ms, background process, doesn't affect framerate) before normals are recalculated when changing the inflation. This is only noticeable though if you drag the sliders really fast, so hopefully it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

The end result is really a lot better, as the normals will always be adjusted for the current mesh shape.


Due to all the issues we've had with fixing Charlotte, we're behind schedule on the herm/futa variations, but they're still coming along.




Custom skins

A pretty big new feature coming in 0.7.1 is the ability to use custom skins for characters. Any skin slider you can change in the game can have its texture replaced with something custom made. This is accomplished by simply putting a texture image in a certain folder. Yiffalicious will detect that texture and load it instead of the default ones.

Here are some examples of custom skins:


To help make this process even easier, jei3 has been working on a custom app to make installation and management of skins super simple.

Drag and Drop Skin ZIPs into app DB:


Drag and Drop skins into game slots, right click to clear:


Delete skin ZIPs from within app:


We'll come back to this topic later on and show in more detail how you can create your own skins for Yiffalicious.


Many people want to know how the development of YL2 is going. And so - getting straight to the point... Development is progressing, but not at the speed we were hoping (especially not this month with all the trouble Charlotte has caused us).

We've still managed to come some way though. Now, measuring progress by counting the lines of code written is kind of retarded, but it does give somewhat of an indication. So far, we've written about 3000 lines of code on the new engine (our own code, not 3rd party, i.e. actual new engine code). That code is mostly outlining structure, but we've also started to implement some core concepts. The new structure is so much better and so much more enjoyable to work with compared to the current one. We can't wait to see it come to full fruition. Which brings us to the next point...

There's actually a thought process behind implementing the custom skins system at this point in time. It might seem strange we invested time on the current engine like this when we should be working on YL2, but that's exactly what we're trying to enable with this move. Because, as it turns out, working on the current engine and content while working on YL2 has proven difficult. Working like this does interfere with the development of YL2 quite significantly. So we wanted to create some space for us where we can work on the new engine at ease, not constantly worrying about getting something out all the time. And that's where custom skins come in. We are hoping that by creating this skin system, the community itself can provide new content and make the experience feel fresh (much like how the cloud pose system works), giving us more space to work on YL2.

So in case we're not clear, this is what we're saying:

Working on YL2 while working on the current engine/content hasn't worked out like we were hoping. As we want nothing more than to work on YL2, we feel we need to divert more time and resources towards it at the expense of the current engine and content. This means we won't be able to push out current engine releases as frequently as we have previously. Because of this, we felt compelled to implement custom skins for the current engine, as that will provide new content for users without costing us any time (other than the time it took to implement of course).

So if you're pledging solely to get access to new builds, you might want to pledge more tactically and time it with new releases, as we probably won't be able to release something each month. (If you however want to support the development of YL2, we're very happy if you choose to stick around.)

Most of the stuff made on YL2 so far is mostly just structure, and isn't that interesting to share. But we have also made a couple of experiments that are a bit more exciting, and we had a certain one in particular we thought we could share.


This is a soft body system. The implications of a such a system are very interesting to say the least.

Now, I want to point out that this is just a test, and we don't know when or if such a system could be implemented in YL2, but it's definitely something we will try to do.

So yeah, that's pretty much it.

This was a pretty long post, but I guess it's justified considering how long it has been since we wrote something. I hope you can forgive us for the lack of updates, and I hope you will have patience with us as we continue our work, especially considering how we now may not be able to push out builds at the same frequency as previously during the development of YL2.

- odes


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This is extremely exciting news all around. Definitely some awesome improvements to the current engine. The move to solely work on version 2 makes a lot of sense since context switching takes a bit of time and it's legacy code at this point. It might sound weird, but I would actually be interested in hearing about the new structure and how it's going. Updates don't always have to encompass "large" changes and could just be bullet points of how progress is going. Can't wait to see the future of the engine and what you all can accomplish.


The new custom skin stuff looks super cool. Can't wait to play around with it. Will there be a way to have custom bump maps with the custom textures?


She has a very red dick Aside from that, I'm loving her tit and inflation rework ^^


really looking forward to YL2 now, the new softbody system looks really cool


Everything sounds and looks awesome, especially the soft body stuff for part 2. You all definitely seem to know what you're doing, so feel free to ignore this assuming I know you probably already thought of it or that it's unworkable for some reason, but I felt obligated to share. This part: "There's some lag before normals are recalculated when changing the inflation. This is only noticeable though if you drag the sliders really fast, so hopefully it shouldn't be too much of an issue." I had a similar experience developing software involving something computationally complex lagging only when dragging sliders really fast. The solution, which ended up smoothing it out completely, was to break up whatever set of computations either by loop iterations or sections, and forcing a processing of events (any ui events or mouse events relevant to sliders), before continuing the complex process (as an example in this case, something like for each normal, fix normal, process mouse events, next loop iteration, etc, or maybe every ten normals, or whatever) . If a relevant event was received, it would set some boolean variable that could be checked within the complex process, and if it was set it would return out of that function and not bother completing the process, and instead allow the events to trigger the process to start anew with the new relevant values from the slider. Of course the boolean value would have be reset at the beginning of the process each time.


Thanks for sharing that. However, this is not what we meant. It's not that the sliders lag, or the game, but rather that the actual computation takes 50ms. This runs in its own thread and doesn't affect the rest of the game. But since it takes 50ms (regardless of how fast you drag the slider), the vertex normals and the mesh shape may not match up for a short period of time. Changing the shape greatly over a short period of time (i.e. dragging slider fast) makes it more noticeable, dragging it slowly makes it really hard to notice anything. The computation will always take about 50ms regardless.

ryu lee

I love the new update and the skin custom, I'm really excited. X3

ryu lee

Are there skins for Bob too?


Really excited for custom skins, especially the horse's zebra stripes. (Really want one for Anika eventually>\\3\\>) Will soft skin allow us to grope, fondle and finger/stroke characters eventually?


YL2 will probably get stroking at some point, but whether or not that will interact with soft body system is too early to tell.


Now that charlotte with the herm / futa option, I am ready to wait for the time it will take even without updating. If the development of YL2 still takes several months, I know that the result will live up to your talent. good luck


Im excited for YL2. what happens if you put two soft body objects together?


also i understand theres going to be a dry spell while YL2 is being worked on. could dogson fill in that gap with some of his models? maybe upload them to sketchfab


I'm so HYPE for the new update and YL2 got me SUPER HYPE! I love it!


Right now - nothing. The effect is fake af. But we can probably work something out.


Smart move with the custom skin texture implementation. Cant wait to see that, rough ETA on that? I would think, the sooner you push that out, the sooner you can shift more focus to YL2? :)


Thank you very much for your dedicated hard work! Looking forward to it!


Suffice it to say I'm sticking around. I want to help support the construction of YL2 and me cutting my pledges down to the amount you recommended by "tactfully pledging" would end up with you lot not having as much money and thus as much resources to make YL2 thus making it take longer for a YL2 build to ever see release. In short, I'll continue to support you all, all I really ask is for a bi-weekly-monthly update on the state of the YL2 project so we know where things stand. Anyway I thank you all for your hard work and i hope to play YL2 as soon as you feel comfortable with it. P.S. how much of the old assets will you be bringing into YL2? or is YL2 going to use all new assets?


Even if you don't have good news I would still like to hear about what's going on. Great improvement to the breasts, much better.


We are humbled by the faith you put into us! Thank you! We're still deliberating what assets can be reused, what need to be tweaked or completely redesigned. Work on YL2 is mostly just engine stuff right now, content and such will come later on! We have a lot of ideas but it's too early to share at this moment.


Right, Without a firm foundation the rest of the project would just be riddled with bugs, glitches, errors etc. So the work on the Engine itself is still in its early stages I would guess? Anyway, It would be nice to have an update every few weeks or so, no matter how small or insignificant just so we all know the state of the project. Also I in order to help speed this up a tad I'm going to up my pledge a bit so that you all have easier access to what you need to see this through easier and faster. Update: I have just upgraded my pledge to the $30 tier, I hope this helps speed things along even a bit.

Sunlight Swift

You seem to really be on to something with that efficient collision detection. If I ran a soft body simulation like that it would take a while to render. You seem to be recording that unrendered. That is really blowing my mind. I will gladly go without builds to see how that turns out!


Soft body dynamics is tricky. There are real time solutions for it that are getting quite good, but those still take (in my opinion) an unreasonable amount of resources, considering there needs to be some power left for other tasks (animation, AI, interface, etc). This one particular solution is very, very fast, but also very, very "fake". It's quite a gross approximation actually, but given the speed at which it performs, I hope we'll be able to make the lacking precision still look and feel acceptable. Because that would mean virtually any gaming computer could run it with nearly zero performance impact.


For some reason my game hasn't updated itself, Charlottes breast inflation is still the same on mine.

Martin Leyva

Gods speed you magnificent creators.


given the struggle and the extend of issues...you could use to cut updates into lighter iterations no? Normally solves tunneling struggle and provides greater burn-up charts for later management and anticipation/planing


YL2? I've been gone for a while now, just ogt ack to being a patron. Can someone explain to me what this is about?


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/future-7484108?cid=3285531">https://www.patreon.com/posts/future-7484108?cid=3285531</a>


I really wonder how this softbody physic is done. Maybe VE, but I might be still wrong , pretty awesome though!


Hi! what asset or method you use to get this effect on tits?


this is amazing! what you use for this gyazo.com/2be5a205ea84f8ec24df5f64f4c6c2fe