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(Download link below.)

Ok, so this took far longer than we first thought it would. This is much because we found it extremely hard to stop working on Charlotte. We have never been so obsessed with tweaking a character this much ad infinitum. Eventually we just forced ourselves to say we were content and continue.

But then we also decided to add a couple of extra features to her. We're happy to say we've [somewhat] successfully managed to adapt the deflation tech to not only work on tits, but also on belly and hips/ass. And in addition to that, we've created a driver that preserves the volume of the inflated belly even if the spine is bent a lot.

Now, we don't really want to "waste" any time on the old engine, but in this case we felt it was justified to implement these features. Having deflation on belly and ass really does give the character another dimension, and once we get to implementing the herm/futa variations too, it well make her shine even more. So while it did end up taking longer to implement, we think in the end it was definitely worth it.

We've also worked a bit with VR in this release. You're now able to hide the VR cursor, as well as hide characters (you can hide characters in non-vr mode too of course). Hopefully this should make the VR experience even better. (You can do this from the VR menu.)

You might also notice that we've added a new exe to the build - yiffalicious_novr.exe. You can use this to launch Yiffalicious in no-VR mode. That way you don't have to unplug your VR device if you want to edit scenes.

Another thing we want to point out about Charlotte are the shapes/expressions "VaginalTightening" and "AnalTightening". If you intend to not penetrate her in a scene, you should probably max these sliders out as they make here look even more delicious.

We should probably also say that we intended to ship this build with a new map as well, but unfortunately we haven't managed to complete it yet. So we're pushing that to the next release. We're thinking we might do two releases in February to make up for this.

In any case, we hope you will enjoy this build, and we hope you will see the effort we put into creating Charlotte.

Release notes




NOTE! New serial key! Please copy it from the download page!

Enjoy your weekend!




YES!!!! Now to actually learn how to pose.


Is the pic with her tits inflated with or without gravity?

ryu lee

So glad a new version is release! <3


I have a few problems with the new release. Some characters are always black hair as if the lost files from their color (Charlotte Ilinir and a cat). Just does not work wetness in all the characters (from Ilinir only wet wings).


It's with gravity, but I can see why you're asking that question. The boobs are just so huge and the angle a bit weird so unless you have a feel for their shape it might look strange. It looks better in the app where you have a better concept of the shapes. As a reference, this is what it looks like from the side. <a href="https://gyazo.com/f27fb52d6e358ec62ca18b71fb5d9378" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gyazo.com/f27fb52d6e358ec62ca18b71fb5d9378</a>


this sounds like an issue that occurs when running in 'fastest' graphics mode, if you have a discord or forum account we can PM this there.

User Man

My serial is not accepted any longer by the new realease even I already payed for January. I canceled my membership and recommend to do so to any other member. Crappy software and payment policies.


Sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately there's no way to see in the Patreon APIs whether or not a user has paid the past month, only if the user is currently successfully pledged or not. We manually added you to our system so you can access the build. Please try again. And we're sorry you dislike the software. We'll try to work harder. P.S. Also, just pointing out that you need to copy the key on the download page and paste it into the app.

User Man

Not working. I had 0.64 and upgraded to 0.70 but after entering serial the "coninue" button is grayed out. I guess you messed someting.


make sure you're using the key from the patreon download page

User Man

OK, sorry. My fault. There is a new "longer" serial for version 0.70 . Hey guys, you should tell people that any release needs a new serial. That's not a very common behaviour.


Glad it got sorted! And thanks for pointing that out. We'll try to be more clear about this. Every cycle has a new key.

User Man

OK, your support is real fast. I like that and so I reengaged monthly payment and hope updates are more easy and clear for paying supporters in the future.


When you inflate Charlottes Butt hips and legs her thighs become bigger than, if not the same size as her butt &amp; I was wondering if that was intentional?


Just wanna say amazing job with Charlotte, she is stunning my new fav for sure. The new facials expressions are freaking sweet too, keep it up ! :)


every time i tell myself i'll stop pledging because i'm saving for a big purchase, i get brought back in ;- ; good work guys


I only have one input, and that is hair colors. I would like to see some realistic types of hairs on characters preferable just for now colors. It looks weird right now for the new character when you change her to say black and she has a pink or purple tail.


Just a tiny note: The release notes state this version was released in 2016. Not an issue or anything, just thought I'd point it out.


Me personally I think the purple and pink fit the black skin, to me they look weird on the other skins I kinda wish there was a basic black hair or brown


Also I just made an official BJ animation. Thanks to the invisible skin. For those who don't know yet, you can achieve this with using a female. A male you will still see its "assets". Set your first character to invisible and select another character to have sex with them. Get a new character and pose them to receive. ;) Of course everyone here would of known that. But for those who don't there you go!


The herm / futa option is not available for charlotte?


Not available yet, sorry! Will be part of the next release (probably mid February?).




Thank you for your hard work, seriously. You guys are nuts in the best way.


How is the development of iyf 2 ? it's ok ?

Spazzle Dusky

So while playing the game it looks like someone took a magnet to my screen. I'll take a screen cap once I get off work and send it to you :3


It's progressing, but there's still much left to do. When we have something to show, we'll make a post on Patreon.


Question: Is there a way to slap a dick onto a character after I load up a pose? I just wanna add a futa dick to every scene I view :)


YES! Thank you! I'm VR only and now the green dot is gone, I can hide the unwanted males, AND they look at the headset and not where the camera is &lt;3


I hate to digress from the topic of this thread, but, is this the only 3d furry porn game? besides second life? i find second life, well, garbage.


There are a couple others. Several here at patreon actually. This is an independent place where people talk about different furry games. Check it out: <a href="https://u18chan.com/board/u18chan/a" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://u18chan.com/board/u18chan/a</a>


awesome work!


Is the no color on hair bug will be fixed soon?


Fix here <a href="http://forum.yiffalicious.com/discussion/729/patron-build-0-7-0-may-need-direct-x-update-if-having-texture-issues" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://forum.yiffalicious.com/discussion/729/patron-build-0-7-0-may-need-direct-x-update-if-having-texture-issues</a>


Not working for me with Oculus. On the monitor I get a black screen. In VR headset I just get the SteamVR void. Win10 980ti i7


The herm / futa option is not available for charlotte?


she will be available when?


me too hopefully ;)


I just downloaded this version and I'm trying to enter my serial key but the textbox doesn't allow me to enter the entire key. Can someone please help me?