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Hi all,

Have a new video update for you with tons of information.


00:00 - Serious talk

10:19 - Prediction

11:52 - New feature

19:06 - Development summary/Future

29:23 - Final words



About Physical IK


About SDF


Bug report link (please vote!)


All the best.

- odes


1.12 GB file on MEGA



Yay, Love the new hand thing. Im sure people wouldnt mind the small "glitch" with the hand clipping a bit when the tit inflates. I mean, I forgave so much in video games and YL1.


Nice to hear some news from you, good or bad. The hand thing is quite nice and more precise moving for the fingers is welcome. The estimated timeline is good, now we have something to wait for! The unity thing sucks as you can do really nothing about it yourself. I tried the voting for this issue, but it did not let me sign up. Bummer.


Hey, I voted for the bug-fix thing! Hopefully, they will fix it sooner rather than later.


Was getting a bit worried about the radio silence there, so thanks for the comprehensive breakdown of how things are going, warts and all. I was afraid there would be some bullshit from Unity’s end on this. I hope they’ve got a valid excuse related to technical issues for being hesitant to implement the fix in earlier version rather than just good old fashioned laziness. Good to know you’ve got plans to work around the issue whatever the outcome will be, though. I definitely can relate to the difficulties of getting back into the swing of things when returning to something after a long hiatus. As I’ve bemoaned many a time, I have this bad habit of dropping art projects I’m working on for extended periods of time so by the time I get back to it, I have that magical Mechanicus moment of not being sure how it works anymore. On endless repeat. Was this coloring layer supposed to be in a different blending mode? How was I planning to have this bit of linework flow? Is this mesh more or less done or did I intend to do some more detail work? Why in the name of all that is holy didn’t I bother to do a cursory naming pass of this absolute monster of a layer hierarchy, AAARGH!?! Releasing what you’ve got done thus far plus a stopgap penetration solution is all well and good, I think. There’s plenty of people out here who’d have been fine with just having multiple posable characters in a scene at once, including yours truly. I’ve been using FVNE to generate quick and dirty reference material for drawing as of late, so that’d remove the last bit inconvenience with that particular use case. With all the goodies you’re planning on, though, it should have pretty wide mass appeal already and a nice hook of future improvements to keep newcomers following along. Liking the look of the new hand placement system, will definitely cut down on the tedious parts of posing and make sensual displays of affection an easy feat to accomplish, which I’m very happy about as I think that kind of thing is sorely lacking in porn. Will definitely be fun to explore how it works and where the limits lie, though I do wonder about the finger mechanics. There will sometimes be some edge cases where you want precise control of finger posing, so I’m hoping that “dynamic” checkbox is for enabling the old node posing system should it be needed. While I’m at it, let me suggest making it an option in future to have the fingertips be the point of contact rather than the palm of the hand, for all our tracing-a-finger-along-the-skin needs.


I am really sorry to hear about that nasty Unity bug, that one damn bug can causes so much trouble... hope it will get fixed in the near future. I want to say I love how passionate you are about this project. The hand placement system looks damn good, the natural Hand/Finger IK movement is quality stuff, this will makes the life much easier when creating some poses.

Sunlight Swift

Way way future but if you are considering more things to implement beyond all the other things, vore things come to mind. Giantess things and inserting other characters could land into some stories. Certainly kinds I like to see. I voted, but I would expect that you'll probably have to give the tech version a shot with a strong backup and intention to have to potentially rework progress on it. If any project is justified using a tech version, its probably this one, with the cutting edge and revolutionary tech going on in it.


Hey there Brownmane, I'm not quite sure why they wouldn't fix it in Unity 2021 LTS. The only reason I can imagine is the fix somehow being so massive that they feel afraid it might break something else if they try implementing it in that version. The later they are in a phase, the less likely they'd be implementing large changes. That's the only reason I can think of. But even that surprises me, because from what it looks like from the outside (from the perspective of the APIs I mean), it seems odd this issue would cause such need of significant changes. Memory leakage is usually pretty straight forward to fix once you find the source. So I'm not quite sure why a fix would be so large to begin with (assuming that is the reason). I have played around with the idea of releasing interactions "half" implemented, and that is in a way what we intend to do by scheduling some features for later (dialogues for example). However, I feel penetration mechanics is very important feature, and since people have been waiting so long for interactions, I feel that unless it lives up to peoples expectations, it might affect us more negatively to release it prematurely rather than later "fully" implemented. I know we have the capacity to wow people with our implementations, granted the damn engine on which we build it on works as expected ... So it will be hard to convince me to release interactions in a sub par state when I know we can do something amazing that make people talk. The dynamic checkbox is for toggling whether or not the finger should automatically adapt itself to surface. I have thought of allowing the old system somehow, but currently it is not available in the interactions build. Maybe I have the time to bring it in there eventually. I don't think the finger tip will ever be the "point of contact", but since you can move the hand away from the "point of contant", you can still emulate such behaviour. Here, the other fingers have "dynamic" disabled and are closed, while the pointy finger is dynamic: https://gyazo.com/19aa0588b08935b9784c165bae70a361 Thanks for sharing your thoughts. All the best. - odes


Hmm, I certainly hope there isn’t some kind of corporate politicking going on behind the scenes on that bugfix, given Unity’s recent acquisition of that Israeli monetization tech company, which suggest that they’re pivoting to greedier business models that’d leave things like support for older versions in the lurch. There’s also the possibility they know what kind of game this fix is going to support and prudishly disapprove, but they obviously won’t tell that to your face. Then again, this is hardly the only porn game made with the engine, but I’ve noticed a recurring habit of corporations is that the bigger they get, the less accepting they get of content that isn’t squeaky clean because it scares away investors. Ah well, not much we can do about it other than hope things work out in the end. Dropped my vote into the bug tracker too, for what it’s worth. Wanting to release the best version you can is very much understandable. Hell, the primary reason I still ain’t released any characters (other than various IRL obligations always getting in the way at the least opportune moment) is precisely the fact that they’d be in various states of work-in-progress since it turns out my reach often exceeds my grasp and I’d need to stop to learn new techniques and software to get things done to a degree I’d personally be happy with, and that’s where my tendency towards procrastinating and sticking to my comfort zone often kills the momentum on a project. Perfectionism and laziness is one hell of a deadly combination, let me tell ya. I’d say there’s no need to worry about releasing a dud if you stick to the current plan for the interaction release. There will be plenty of features to amaze people and get the talk going once it’s out and obviously, the penetration mechanics will be the main draw for a good chunk of newcomers, even in their incomplete state. Should be plenty enough to play around with in there to tide the audience over until the next big release, I reckon. One thing that’d improve finger posability considerably in the new system would be one extra slider for rotating them a little to the left or right. Would allow for open palms with fingers either splayed out or close together and add variety to many other kinds of hand gesture as well. Thanks for the finger-tracing demonstration too, pretty much exactly what I had in mind. Will definitely have a lot of fun playing around with this feature.