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Most of the time spent on 0.6.1 has gone into updating the cloud, but we're also adding some new improvements and bug fixes to the client. One of these improvements is the humpee correction slider, which mitigates some of the weird floating behavior previously seen in interactions where humping is used together with control = 0.

Here's an example

New behavior


Old behavior (for comparison)


As you can see, the difference is pretty big.

The reason for this [previous] floating behavior is because all characters use the root node as a basis for their location calculations. The movement is propagated from root node to all child nodes across the whole attachment tree [of characters]. That means as the root node is affected by forces and moved around, so will the children to keep up. Or, in this case, as the root node is rotated to cause the humping behavior, so do the children follow along. This works great from the perspective of keeping everything correctly attached and aligned at all times, but at the cost of this weird behavior.

To solve this issue we had to predict the locations of the child nodes in the attachment tree, and have them reversely affect the root node according to their predicted offset. The floating + the offset balances each other out, and thus floating is mitigated. It's not perfect, but it's a clear improvement from how it was before.

Btw, the cloud will go live for all builds at the same time, so everyone will experience the improved cloud, not only 0.6.1 users. However, only 0.6.1 will have the new interfaces and features that come with it.


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ryu lee

New humping, fascinating. :3

Ezyk Jaraad

freaking brilliant! you have no idea how much that weird movement vexed me.