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Hi all! Hope you had a nice weekend.

Gonna keep this short and sweet. As you may know, we're completely rewriting the backend for the interaction browsing in 0.6.1. We're doing this by migrating everything from Google Datastore to Google Cloud SQL and Google Cloud Storage. This will introduce significant improvements in terms of responsiveness of the browsing. While we're at it, we decided to redesign the cloud browser interface as well, to make the improvements even more apparent.

Here you can see a preview of the new cloud in action:


In other news, Dogson is recovering from illness, so pardon the lack of updates and streams lately. Hopefully we will get that going soon again.




So I'm guessing that golden star thing is basically like a "favorite" button, yes? Also, curious, would it be possible to make it so you can see what tags are attached to a particular pose?


hello, how are you ?, I love your work !, I wanted to ask, if in the future will create a futanari character.. :3


nice! will there be some form of cloud tagging or autotagging? (e.x. by characters and orifice)


The current tagging and auto tagging system will remain for this release, but we might expand on that at some point to make it better.


Yes, clicking the star will download the interaction and make it available for offline use in the "Starred" category. We want to implement an interaction view with tags and comments at some point, but not sure when that's going to happen.


oh, so the star system is actually better than I had expected.

ryu lee



Well get well soon! ;3


Lo espero con ansias! amo sus trabajos, y obviamente me gustan los furrys xD son lo mejor! mucho exito! PD: Espero las futanari :3 ajaj


Question, what are valid tags to search for?


Species, names of the characters, straight/gay, vaginal, anal + any other tags users added during upload.


when the new patch begins?