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This is part one of a two part series.

For 0.6.0 we are upgrading a lot of the core components of the game, which we think will bring major improvements. In this post we want to show you some of these improvements, and how they will affect your interactions - future and present.

Because it's important to understand these changes, we have decided to make this post public.

The old force model

Ever since one of our users pointed out flaws in our force model, we have been wanting to improve it. Currently (before 0.6), force is continuously applied according to the tangent and frequency of the sine curve governing the thrusting movement. That's just a fancy way of saying that push is controlled by inward movement and speed of the thrust.

However, that's not how thrust works in reality. Force should be applied when two bodies collide, rather than before impact (as it is right now). It looks strange, as if there's friction present during the penetration.

Another issue is that the thrusting movement only oscillates between the distance and depth sliders. In other words, the thrust is actually slowing down all the way until it reaches the configured depth, where it comes to a halt and starts to turn back again. There's no getting away from this behavior no matter what sliders you change. What should be possible instead is for the thrust to continue beyond, causing impact and the other character to be pushed.

Because the old force model is so unrealistic and abstract, it has been hard to create believable interactions and often times the result has been extremely exaggerated or just generally weird-looking.

The new force model

In an attempt to address all of these issues, we have completely reworked the force model. We think this new model not only yields better results, but is also a lot easier to configure and understand. Some sliders have been removed, while some new ones have been introduced. But before diving into all this, let's show an example:

New force model


And here's what the same interaction looks like in 0.5.3.:


(This was a popular interaction we loaded from the cloud.)

Now, there's a lot more going on here than just the reworked force model, but let's start with that for this part one of the series. We don't think there's any better way to explain what's going on here than simply going through [some of] the new sliders.

+ Push beyond

This slider controls how much farther the character should thrust beyond the depth slider, where 0 means no additional thrust, and 1 means an additional 15 cm. In other words, when using full depth and full push beyond, the thrusting character will push into the other character so hard that they will move an additional 15 cm.

The cool thing about this slider is that it takes control into account. That means if push beyond is used together with control 0, then it's the penetrated character that will push the penetrator.



+ Push threshold

This slider controls when the pushing starts to "take". At 1, it start to take at full penetration, and at 0 it takes right away. 0.5 means pushing is caused when penis is half way into the other character. This is a great way to simulate depth of the vagina/anus.





+ Base resistance

This slider controls how much friction should always be present. I.e., it's a slider that sort of behaves as the previous force model, where some force is applied during the inward thrust movement.

Removed sliders

- Force threshold

Push threshold replaces this slider.

Changed sliders


The force slider now only affects resistance. I.e., if no resistance is used, then this slider doesn't do anything. If push beyond is used, the other character will be pushed regardless of how this slider is configured.


Because the force model has been completely reworked, old interactions will behave differently when loaded. They will load with a hard coded setting to the base resistance slider, and thus sort of mimic the behavior seen previously. There's no guarantee these interactions will look or behave the same as they did in earlier builds. We recommend that you load, configure and re-upload old interactions if you want to make sure they work properly in 0.6.


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Oh boy. Gunna have to revamp my popular POV interaction, again XD


oh my, really liking where this is going. The weird force modelling has been something that has been one of the few things that's been bothering me for a while.

ryu lee

This looks awesome! Also can you improve the rhino's shoulders and the horse's shoulders too like when you stretch there shoulder, it looks kind of weird and needs some fix. Thank you. :3


Bravo, this will be a big improvement!


Thanks! That's actually very hard problem to solve. For predefined animation you could easily fix such things, but for fully dynamic animation it's another beast altogether. There are some solutions to this problem, but not something Unity currently supports or something we can implement ourselves due to how post skinning vertex retrieval works in Unity.


I like what I'm seeing! When is the 5.4 public build coming out? Not too long now, I hope?


great :)


by very soon when is the 0.5.4 public build coming out like when and where


OMG Collision Detection!!!!! Super excited for that to come out! XD


Well, it's not really collision detection per se, just anther way to simulate the force behavior.