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Edit: after talking to Cracket I think I needed to be more specific; This basically allows users to modify their own bodytypes, faces and limbs to very large extend using our pending export/import plugin for Blender. Custom blend shapes essentially, skeleton adapts to shapes.

What's this? A new character? A new bodytype? Nope, something even better, a tech called Custom Offset! The idea behind this tech is to provide even more control over bodytypes, heads and limbs then before. I've been keenly following Odes progress in to making this tech spring to reality and today was the first day I could test it out.

After some fiddling around on how long limbs I could do I deiced to do a more concerted effort and decided to do a test character with Maya as an derivative. Deiced to make this character sort of opposite of Maya and made her fit and slender. She was done in Blender and with a small bit of touch up in Zbrush for the overall shape and with some ping ponging between me and Odes we had something.

What do you think of her? Does this feel that this open up a new world of possibilities for you, let us know in the comment section? :D

- Dogson




Edit: I might have misunderstood this, read my reply cus this is bigger than I thought. I love her hair and how cartoony she turned out! hehe. But yeah, this tech is definitely welcomed. I cant see it as game changing or anything as I feel since I could kind of replicate this by resizing the bones appropriately, but with this, I can adjust this new Offset AND the bones. But, Im saying these things because I cant see the entire potential just yet (I need my hands on it first ;) ) Although it does make for an easy Style change for all body types, which is awesome, I wonder how it would look like on the Chubbier body types. I will definitely make use of this .Every.Time. This will in itself make the characters even more varied among everyone.


Happy to hear that and sure, I can agree that this might not the complete silver bullet of game chagning as it might seem to be (a complete game changer would be.. the ability to do sculpting directly in the app?) But it is a big step up in offering further modability and a tool for the more artistically advanced user that know sculpting before and for which sliding the bone parameters and adding custom garments just won't be enough for. I'm sure we'll see even more unique characters from you when this gets released. : ) -Dogson


This looks awesome! Is the custom offset in the game itself or in external program like blender or something similar? In any case keep up the good work and take your time!


A special file is exported from FurryVNE (note: not regular export, it's a different one that produces a seamless quad mesh) which can be imported into Blender using a special plugin that we have developed. Once in Blender, you can add more shapes to the object. You could also bring this object to other applications, if you prefer working in them instead. But you need to export it using our plugin from Blender. This exported file can then be imported into FurryVNE which will read the offsets and make them available in the interface. Thanks! - odes


Thanks for the quick reply. It seems that I have a another thing to learn in blender to really make this shine! Does the custom offset work with other parts as well, like penis or is it just for the body?


Oh, this rules! Can't wait to get my hands on this and mess around with it


All good things take time. And I hope you take yours to really polish this gem.


I must be misunderstanding something. I read what you said again, and with extra comments I think I understand what this all is now. I misunderstood this as a new Tweakable, but looking at the second gif, its a User_Tweakable. So you have essentially given US the ability to tweak the body directly through an external program. OKAY! This is bigger than I first imagined. So, the people that wanted HyperLips can now have it, or... Hyper pussy too, right? Virus hunter wanted a more polygonal look, will this Custom Offset make that happen? I feel sorry for misunderstanding this, but if what I think it is, is correct, then that is... basically freeform characters (Mostly). And am very happy you guys managed this.


Well now, this should be handy for modifying faces, among many other things. Was a bit worried about that, since you'd have to make any potential custom ones so that they're larger than the base mesh and you're limited to whatever eye sizes and positions you can wrangle them into. Figured I’d maybe suggest a "blank" head option (with short- and long-necked variants) with no visible mesh, showing just the eyes and eyelashes plus tweakables for their size and position offsets. Might still be a worthwhile consideration, even if this new feature solves most of the problems it’d address, just for the sheer flexibility it’d afford to those who prefer a blank canvas to work with. With all these new options coming into play, I’m falling behind real badly. Need to step up my game here, I haven’t even gotten around to testing out the fur editing yet! Got some interesting concepts knockin’ around my noggin’ I could try tackling, but each takes time to properly develop. A little something I’ve been fiddling with on and off for nearly a month now, for example, needs some advanced texturing next. Time to finally bite the bullet on figuring out Substance Painter, I suppose...


And I've also made an edit to my post more clearly explaining what it does. Hyper vagina should be possible yes, I'll make a test later. As for Viruses polygonal look: I think it ought to be possible with meticulous individual vertex pushing inside blender that creates stark, hard edges but for something really radical looking small detail (such as digits) I think that custom made garmets will do a better job. - Dogson

bryan fury

I like it!


Bite it already! I dont think you have uploading anything yet to the cloud and I know you have bangers to upload. Also, I might advise being careful with reshaping the face with this new tool, im just thinking of how consequently it can mess with expressions.


@Craket, Custom Offsets will allow for custom expressions also if You're ready to put down the work. -Dogson


Total noob here, but i loooove the long, lanky body type. Is there any way we could see something like that as a base to work with? lol


Hey SugarRainbowLove, glad you liked her! Sure she can be available later on. Either on the cloud or as a preset character that comes with the package. As for body type this could be saved down and implemented to work with all other parts later on. The prioritized body type I am going to do very soon is bt_f_muscular, ie female muscular shape since it's been asked for. - Dogson