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It took a little while, but we finally got it out. 0.5.1 is here, and Cat with it. Please give her a very warm welcome. ;)

Release notes



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Thank you all for your support and input. It's totally unreal being able to work full time on a project such as this, and it's all thanks to you guys. You are the backbone of this. Without you, Yiffalicious never would've made it this far.

Thanks again, so very much!




Well... we all can say the same about you guys. Imo it's totally real being able to work full time on this especially when you are the best on this market. People are likely to support the ones who can do things which the others can't, this is the natural cycle of being absolutely awesome.


well, first impressions are that I love it. Limiting of the FPS seems to be working wonders in not stressing my computer. The new translation and rotation controls will take quite a bit of getting used to. the new character is great. Lov the expressions she has available, and oh she is lovely and stretchy. Having tried her out a bit, she really shows how getting some kind of bulge mechanic would really benefit her.


We love you guys for being awesome! and this new update is just incredible! best porn app around! :P


There's really little need for any other porn app thing thanks to you guys. You're incredible.


thank you it's great :))


Thank you for the cute new dollie. Can't wait to try her out.^//o//^


Yay! I love the idea of a bulge mechanic. Why is that not a thing yet!? Though I'm a little disappointed that she doesn't have paw pads on her palms. I know some people didn't like the color, which I liked, but my biggest complaint about them was their shape. I don't know what shape I'd call what they were but I didn't like it. However, I think she'd be super cute with some basic cat shaped paw pads. i.e./e.g. <a href="http://cliparts.co/cliparts/rTj/rpB/rTjrpBbec.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://cliparts.co/cliparts/rTj/rpB/rTjrpBbec.jpg</a>


Absolutely amazing; the new character looks beautiful and the new fur effects put the game on a whole new level! Well done!


I'm having a bit of a problem with the Move/Rotation gizmos. At seemingly random occasions, I can't move or rotate any of the anchors of 1 character in any way (the arrows/circles can't be selected - they don't "light up") until I select another one on a different character (which will work fine). And that is not a permanent fix because it will happen again in a relatively short while. I'm not sure if the same happens when there is only 1 character on the scene. If necessary, I'll test it as well.


New girl looks fantastic! You guys have done it once again, exceeding so many expectations and I like how you test and make sure things are to your standards before releasing them. I for one don't mind waiting a little longer for the releases while you fine tune and make sure it comes out at a high standard. you guys have not disappointed me or this community once! And Dogson, I must say it has been an absolute pleasure watching your talents grow, what a long way you've come in character development since the rabbit and the first release. Don't get me wrong the rabbit looks great and remains one of my favorite go to characters but this latest release shows just how talented you truly are, the cat is lovely!! Thank you guys so much for starting and following through on this project, really. You have a patreon in me for life and I look forward to the future with much anticipation. Keep up the stellar work.


Thanks for adding frame rate options. have been forcing them in catalyst up till this point.


We were experiencing that problem to some degree during development, and found some issues that were causing it. We fixed [at least some of] those issues. We haven't experienced this since then. There might be a case we have missed. But we'd have to run into this issue again in order to fix it. If you can find a definite way to cause the error it would help.


Inflation causes fur problems on the cat gir, around the inflated areasl. Leme know if you are not aware of this problem, or if its something im specificly getting.


what about when u put her in a cobra pose, the breast inflation makes her breasts move backwards when they inflate?


The "cobra pose" issue has been fixed, and we're working on the fur. You can follow our progress on our roadmap: <a href="https://trello.com/b/9wLqxJsx/yiffalicious-roadmap" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/b/9wLqxJsx/yiffalicious-roadmap</a>


ah awesome! now that i know where to follow im happy :D


I cannot reliably reproduce this problem. Maybe it's just connected to my potato not being able to handle all of the scripts? Does anyone else experience this? Either way, it happens so little that it's quite easily ignorable.


It shouldn't happen, even on a potato. We'll be sure to keep our eyes open should we run into this issue ourselves.


First impressions: Overall, great addition. Always love to see new work/characters/ideas come to life. However, I think the hips and butt sliders should be separated. The way they expand might also need some tweaking. It looks to me like a sausage casing being overfilled. Also, the breast expansion seems a little, for lack of a better word, wonky. Have you messed around with "Bodyslide" ? It's a neat tool and I think it's something worth examining. Can't wait to see what's next.


Hey Thanks, and don't worry about the bunny. I'm the first one to admit I did her during a start-up phase were I was a very enthusiastic, but also a highly inexperienced 3d artist. I believe I've spoken before that the traditional pipeline of a character artist that you'll find all over tutorial sites on the Internet didn't really mesh well with me since I did the high poly sculpts as a set concept on how they should look like in-game, but then I thought that a lot of what I liked in those got lost in the retopology and texturing phase. So that lead to me not being that content with all the characters I did. Petite Cat was the first character where I decided to throw that way of doing things out the window and reinvent my pipeline, so now instead of doing a sculpt that is suppose to be a definitive locked concept of how she would look like in the game, I did it as a "general guideline" where the important part was to nail the proportions of the body and the face. Then I retopologize her not worrying about any restraints on my polybudget (you can always optimize the mesh later) and when her game-ready mesh was done, I could start iterate, do various high poly sculpts and do a quick bake, throw her in to Unity and look how she would look like, then redo things I didn't think worked out that well and so on. This way I believe allows the character to evolve and mature better, making her becoming more well suited for Unity's render engine instead of her devolving from an "ideal shape" from a highpoly sculpt in Zbrush. In the end, it's how she will look like in Unity that matters, zbrush is just a tool of getting her there. She's not 100% perfect, nothing is, but she's much more closer to my mental image on how I wanted her to look like and that makes for a big difference. -Dogson


The range of facial expressions for the cat are amazing, she's definitely the most "animated" out of all the characters.