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Good news is that Cat is complete. We've got her working in the game. It took way longer than we had anticipated due to several unexpected problems, but eventually we got there.

We started a build process, and had already compressed and started uploading when we noticed the saving/loading was disabled. Earlier when we were testing VR, we had disabled it in hopes of figuring out why stuff breaks when VR is used. We totally forgot to reactivate it.

It's 1 AM here now, and starting a new publishing process at this hour is simply too much. Furthermore, we would really like to test the build more thoroughly before feeling comfortable realising it anyway. So we figured we're pushing this just 1 more day.

We hope you understand.




I really hope this is the last delay...


Get some sleep, tomorrow is another day. Things will go better in the morning.


Yay! Take your time.


I apologize for the delays. However, we do have things to show for it. When we were faced with the choice of either using existing behavior, or implementing something new specifically tailored for the needs of this character, we chose the latter. It's a choice I'd make again. While it doesn't feel right to delay something, it feels even worse to release something you aren't happy with. - odes


No palm pads?


but but I want cat pussy!


I tried to do the palm pads as a hybrid between a human hand and a cat,after patreon input it was clear to me that it didn't turn out that great, so I removed it. -Dogson


love the coloration that came up for this.


No biggie. Better to have new things complete and polished than rushed and rough.