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We're in the process of finishing off cat, but during the meantime I'd like to share a sculpt I did last night.

A year ago I started with the bunny we have now, and now a year passed, I wanted to try out seeing what would happen if I did her again.

I like how she's coming along, and there's a good chance She'll replace (or exist side by side with the old one?)  

Edit: Don't worry, the old girl won't be replaced and they will coexist side by side in the app. After reading the comments we're convinced that a large majority of patrons will want this, so Bunny 1.0 stays safe and sound! c:





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I like the new bunny but please keep the old bunny too :3


I like her as well, but I would recommend keeping the old bunny too. This girl doesn't just have a new hair style and enhanced facial features. But a completely different character and that original Bunny is really popular.


She looks good! I'd prefer both in the game instead of replacing the old bun. More options are good.


She looks amazing!


I understand that completely. The first set of characters usually becomes to most iconic, be it good or bad, but that is usually what happens. Altough I still like the old girl, A part of me wants to move on or improve her, because I did her when I was seriously starting to do real time characters, something I've never done before that point. And I'm the first one to admit I did her with a very limited knowledge how sculpting in 3d really works. You constantly need to shift perspective to see what works and what doesn't in the various angles. There's also the pitfall of making them either to realistic (uncanny valley) or to stylized, to much at any direction and it will look awful. But I do feel that Bunny 1.0 won't be leaving us anytime soon as long as many more want her to stay : ) -Dogson


i prefer the actual one, and what about making a bunny or squirrel femboy?


New design, oh, yes, please ...


clearly the old and new bunny need to duke it out in a mud-wrestling cage match (guest starring John Cena) so we can decide who gets the best bawdy bunny butt badge for science


Don't you dare touch that chubby bunny, she's waifu material. Nothing against the new model or anything - the actual existence of hips now is a large improvement - but I'd rather a choice than a replacement. Maybe as a different breed option or something.


I see high milf potential in her. I would die for a milf bunny, the mother of chubby bunny, the queen of fluffy butts. Also please don't scare me with any replacing, original bunny has to stay, just like the old ocean house.


If you did replace the old bunny with this one we'd only have one borderline BBW-type character in the game. Shouldn't the point be to have a wide variety of body types so as to appeal to more people? Also replacing her would break a huge number of interactions. You'd end up having to delete any interaction with her in them to prevent the interaction database from becoming a majority of non-functioning entries.


All of my yes! But keep them both.


ooh, that butt looks so gloriously tight. Really liking the look of her. But personally speaking, I would prefer for her to exist alongside the current, meatier bunny.


Nice, they can be like sisters


Please don't replace the existing Bunny! I think they're both lovely.


I liked her hair

Paltala Mort

I really like the look, but I think current bunny is better. We've gotta have short chubby busty girl. Giraffe is tall busty chubby.

Paltala Mort

I'm just waiting for you guys to open up on commissions. So want to get my tigress in there!


This sculpt is fantastic! She's got much more believable proportions and the detail is phenomenal. I'd say keep both in the game though, it adds variety and allows players who like the old model to keep liking the old model lol

Dark Sunrise

Eh, they're both different and have their own body types. I'd really suggest to keep them both.

Shadow Drake

Hot dam she is looking good =) I agree with the others that we should keep the lovely first lady as is, though all I would as is a few more twerks to her expressions n such. Would you look at using the same type of 'inflation' on this one like with the foxy you lot are busy with now to appeal to the masses? Oh n one last question for the day, with the light shining down on another long ear, how about looking into expressive ears for all? :P


Amazing; looks so much better than the old model. Love how unexaggerated and athletic it is now. Nice work.


I think you're doing a nice job on her so far. She's got pretty hair and a body like a JAV actress. >//3//> Soon, the bunny will come in creamy AND chunky.


Wow! I much prefer this iteration, though, her butt seems too square to me.


Nice to hear that both of them will be available.. That being said, I've noticed some things I would like to point out on the new version. The rib cage should go a bit lower along the sides - leading to a smoother and safer/more stable torso structure. Actually, it should also be a bit bigger in general (all of the necessary organs probably wouldn't fit in there right now). The shoulder width is a bit too narrow - forcing you to make the arms too small. That way you're likely to end up with anorexic-looking arms which is the way it is now, in my opinion. And I'm far from being a female-breasts expert, her breasts seem... off. As if they were just slapped on? I don't know. Otherwise, the model is quite good. I especially like the more realistic animal-looking head. And I am aware that this is merely a WIP. I just thought you'd like some sort of feedback.


I'll also add to the sentiment of keep this girl alongside the old one. Old Bunny is one of my favourites, but this one looks great.


Looking great, But I really love the old version too. Please keep both.


Instead of actually replacing the bunny we have now, why not actually give her a name and treat her as a separate character? That way, the people who liked the chubby bunny will still be satisfied, and we get a new character altogether.


Exist side by side. Never remove characters. :D