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Got some inquiries about  uncut penises so I gave it a shot, have never done it before and there's tonnes of various versions where the skin is pulled all the way back to ones where the gland is fully covered, this is a half-way version.




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Psy Draggy

Looks good! ^^ Penis options is something I'm really hoping for in the future!


God dammit Dogson you are going to make me gay.


I would definitely recommend this for the foxboy and possibly also the rhino especially if the foreskin itself can be animated/respond to interactions.


Nothing like unwrapping a plum. ;P


so sexy *_*


Mmm I love foreskin <3

Irontail Flatley

I would imagine it's possible, though I don't know how FEASIBLE it is. Treating the foreskin like a soft-body (same thing as cloth) and applying friction to it might work, but I don't know how it'd interact without the whole skin of the penis being 'slidey'. Skin and cloth just don't work the same in most cases.


Impressive as always. It's already been asked but how feasible would it be to have it be dynamic or customizable? On another note, I know some people like it when femboys have a small "trap pouch", as in a tighter more compact scrotum. Would this be possible to implement in the same model or would it require switching it out entirely?


It's not a canine penis but... Oh, what the hell. I like it. ^-^ As much as I love knots, foreskin is also great.


i like it, at if this ends up becoming an option in a character creator down the line, that's all the better!


Oh dayum this looks good!


I would like the fore skin enclose the tip of the penis more


off topic: I noticed that the animation for things like the eyelashes and penetration has this odd look; it looks as if it's a 2d/3d .gif, I'm not sure how to explain. It's like how an explosion from a grenade looks from half life source on steam. Its animation is almost separate from everything else.