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Just dropping off a WIP on a alternative shark tail. We'll put it on the male template but as always you can change it to the first shark tail of whatever tail you wish for it to have.





Can't say I'm much of a fan of that bulge in the middle, would it be too much trouble to make alternative versions that are more standard, i.e. start thick and then smoothly taper off towards the caudal fin?


It wouldn't be too much trouble for me to do an alternative non bulge version too if you wouldn't mind having an extra option? -Dogson


Yup, that would be good. Always handy to have extra options.


I have another question while we're still at it: perhaps the edges is a bit to much? I've been looking at RL shark tails and they do have a some what tapered form, a 100% tube shape would perhaps open more options for creations? -Dogson


I like the edges, gives it character, but a smooth tube option wouldn't hurt either. More options is never a bad thing.


Tails and penises are still stiff! When does movement come in here? greetings


After clothing but before interactions, most likely. (Clothing is next after fur.)


Now, I have a wild question about the rigged tails. Say you import a tail. (For me it's hair on a horse tail, on a mare model I'm currently working on.) Or like angel wings, or whatever, etc... Is there an option down the road, to add bone rigs to that said appendage, or at least import rigged appendages and link them to that said model? And, since you mentioned you're working on clothing and fur ( I assume movement simulations), can or will that also be implemented on custom imported hair/clothes down the road. Like say, you can rig the soft body movement in this program on your own clothes or hair; if that makes any sense?


Ok those were a lot of questions. I'm not sure if I understood everything right, but I'll try my best to answer. You can already import rigged models through collada (.dae) files. Of course, there's no way the rig actually influences the program atm, but the bones and rigging are actually there. You just can't interface with it and it doesn't do anything atm. But eventually, you'll be able to pose it and/or use physics simulation (flexi tail-esque) You'll be able to add fur and clothing to custom parts. For now, clothing will be limited to following and deforming with the parts they're attached to, but we might add some kind of simulation at some point. It's a fun problem, but we're also on a frame budget.


Thanks for answering them! I'm new hear and just FASCINATED on what's happening here, as a 3d artist. Answering these questions helps a WHOLE BUNCH on what to expect not only on what this program will become, but how to plan modeling these guys. The way these models are getting setup, taking assets, and placing on our custom models, kinda reminding me of MikuMikuDance's PMD Editor. It kinda has that vibe, but a bit more intuitive. I am curious about adding our own physics to these models, PMD had a cool, but weird setup on how they did it. Blender seems to be a WHOLE other animal on that department. So, It will be interesting to see how you guys pull it off, here.


Thanks! We'll try our best. We always try to strike a balance between being intuitive while also offering a lot of options.

High Sodium

Things are looking good for YL2! Are you still planning on supporting VR features like you did in YL1 or even expanding on the ones you had? The whole reason I ended up jumping on board was cause of the VR in YL1.


Thanks! VR will definitely be added eventually. I think it will be similar to Yiffalicious considering the nature of the app (user authored scenes).


would there also be plans for 5 toe varient of the scalie / canine planted foot in the future by any chance?


Ah, you mean like a humanoid foot but with anthro digits? That's definitely doable. There's nothing in our systems preventing us from doing that, just a matter of actually doing it. So if enough people want it, it's just a matter of time. You can try creating a suggestion for it in the cloud and see if any people jump on it.