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Hey everyone, here's  a little sneak peak of what's to come for this update character wise. Sharks won the last vote so here's the female template almost ready for usage. We've descided to go with a plantigrade one because anthro shark design varies greatly but it should be almost no effort to switch to digitigrade for those who want that. I also added a dash of hair with our fluff, also easily removed or worked more uppon

As you can see in the second picture we've decided to use a temporary solution for teeth with having a stylized solid teeth row as a base but we've added a tweak called t_gums to sculpt it to gums that we build teeth in form of a new appendage model called SharkTeeth.

For those that wish for that stylized teeth row you can still delete the appendage group and dial down the t_gums slider to 0 and and a teeth mask

We hope to later on replace this mode of adding teeth with a more elegant, automatized way of adding teeth but for now all new template will get a t_gums.

And to add to that, Yes, the already done ones such as big_canine, Fox and many more will also get a t_gums pass with appendage teeth in coming updates. 




I wanted to ask Do we have to make the cloths or can we dowlode it from someplace just asking and I am still working out how it works though would love to mae a interaction with more than one Charitor.


Nice, the theeth gums thing is something I wouldnt think of. There are a lot of characters that have their teeth showing 90% of the time, so this is thoughtful.


jaws theme intensifies!!!!


Ooh! Fin parts! Will there be webbed appendages? I'm excited!


Webbing is a good idea but there's not a good way to do it atm. After we've implemented the clothing tech, we could apply its tech to things like webbing so it follows character's fingers in the desired way. So I would think it makes it in there eventually, but not now. (Or if it is implemented now, it would not work so well.)


Clothing would have to be created for the character you want clothing for. Interaction systems will begin next year. The idea is indeed to make it possible to add multiple characters to a scene and animate them.


What a cute fishy :3


Ok cool thanks for letting me know that I am likeing evorything you have in this alredy looking forword to seeing what elce there is and also coI would ask for a well maybe more herm with all the bits I did try and make one I guess some are more smart than I bout would still e cool to have a rady to go body sape of it for ones that fine making a herm hard. just a thought.