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About a month has passed since we first launched the cloud platform - so we thought it would be a good idea to show some of our favorite characters so far in case you missed any of them!

Oppai Dragon Milf by VirusHunter 

Hamburger by Yetoff 

Porterhouse by Yetoff 

Tasunka by Craket 

Winona by thirteeenth 

Athena by Craket 

Zuri by MethodMad 

Raenessia by kittysasha 

These are just some picks of many amazing characters found in the cloud.

We're absolutely blown away by the creativity and effort people put into creating characters for YL2.

Please give the creators the credit they deserve for authoring such wonderful beings and sharing them.

A BIG THANKS to all the creators!




I fear both @VirusHunter for his awesome Cartoony style and @Brownmane for his creativity (he hasnt posted in the Cloud). But I feel @Solstice could be the sleeper hit creator who can destroy us all. Im being serious, there is something about him and his potential... that is if he comes back.


I haven't gotten around to posting to the cloud, yet. Every time I think about finally fixing things up enough to post my characters, something gets in the way. Especially bad now that it's summer and there's a ton of family obligations to go through. Don't you worry, though, I fully intend to get things operational soon.


The character creator is very difficult to Handel I'm sitting on one model and only managed so far changing the body shape and the body colors I can't figure out how different colors work its very frustrating


Currently the character creator feels more like its for people who has expirence with character modeling and designing and not for everyone


Hi there Rose! Yes, that's exactly right, and that's also what we have been saying for a long time. You need 3D experience to make the most out of it. We don't even call it a character creator anymore - we call it a character assembly tool. We felt going down this way is the only way to offer diversity and interest in the long run, since making things easier for the user inevitably also means imposing more restrictions. (We didn't want to do that.) Let me know you want a refund in case you feel cheated by expectations! All the best. - odes


I taught myself simple 3d tactics. And I'm learning blender to import my own clothing pieces. From what I can tell the character builder is very streamlined compared to blender. There are a few tutorials on how to use the character builder and TONS of tutorials on how to use blender. I absolutely love the rout they are going.


I have very little experience with 3d modeling programs, im a 2d artist, but the real difference here is that im an artist. So I will learn and try, and by the end I got it going. Sitting in-front of the screen creating a character for a bout 6 hours is a normalcy for artists. I am certain you can find some fun doing art/character with yl2c eventually.


Blue one is wonderful😍