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The way derivatives are found and filtered has been changed and is now live!

You can now choose to show both (default), only originals or only derivatives. Furthermore, derivatives are now linked with image, loading and voting functions directly inside the original item.

Derivatives inside items are sorted by author (original author first, if any), then by date (newest first).

Should derivatives be sorted by vote score instead? Or hot score?




You should look at the added value of each sorting system. Sorting by date means that you get the newest, but not best content out there. The only scenario I see this working best is when you expect users to upload characters pretty frequently and want to see the most recent one first. On the other hand if you sort by votes you are pushing the best content to the top. This works best when users want to explore and find the best thing out there. So in this case I'd go for votes since most people wont be uploading their own models frequent enough to be a majority


But then what about a mixture of both? Sorting by votes and then weigh-in the date it was last updated. This gives new content traction to reach the top results and prevents the all-time best model from hogging the spotlight


As a programmer I'll go with what most clients say, Yes, to all. I'm assuming all the data for sorting will be sent client side for displaying anyway, so a combo box to switch sorting method shouldn't be too much extra work to add.


I think its too early to say how to sort the derivatives, Hot score in my books. Until there is more traffic in the character selections, I say to wait and see for the most part. In anycase, thank you for this, I can now find the derivatives, even if it is only 4. I was having a hard time before. I hope this encourages people to make derivatives.


Also, I think I found a bug, when clicking on the "Based on #" number. The page kind of doesnt properly update.


Are you sure the page isn't updating? Some derivatives use the same pictures as the original, so that can be a bit confusing.


Sorry, yes, something was SUPER effed there. When iterating over the derivatives, a variable outside of the loop was overriden which caused the main item to receive the derivative data! A fix is being deployed right now. Thanks for pointing this out!


Need help... A long time ago, I had played the first version of Yiffalicious and it was possible to use VR and to access certain animated VR scene. But I just downloaded version 2 of Yiffalicious and I'm stuck in a 3D modeling editor. How I can find this VR mode and these famous scenes in this new version?


YL1 is what you want for now, YL2 is still in development and we only have character editor. I like to call it YL2c. So we get to make characters that will be used for interactions (Sex scenes) when that part of YL2 comes out.


Hey there Galaad! YL2 currently only has character editor. Lemme know if you want a refund in case you thought it already had scenes and stuff in it! You can find the original app at https://www.yiffalicious.com.