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Started out making a fox head. My aim is to make this one have even more tweaks and advanced rigging for face control then we've had before.

New for this head is that we will keep the noses as a separate part, doing away with low resolution noses that are modeled directly on the muzzles. 




Separate noses, eh? Sounds versatile. You planning on having a few different nose models or just one that can be tweaked? Either way, you could probably turn this into a deer head with relatively little tweaking, most importantly tweakables for a bigger nose and herbivore teeth.


That fox model looks absolutley fantastic! A female fox was the missing part, i my eyes. Good work! ;)


I like it, also having separate noses would add more to the customization, is there also going to be possible to directly color the noses rather than using gradients? It would relieve that headache because they don't quite sit right.


Just an idea, could you also create different types of ears? It would also be a great feature just to change the size of it. ;)


Yes, there will be a few more nose types to go along with the head once the release is out. And of course what creators can do in their favorite 3d editor software.


Thanks my dudes these are the facial modifiers I've been waiting for, I hope these tweakables are retroactively added to the currently existing heads


Yes, ears, noses and a lot other parts are planned. Heads and eventual body types always has priority but we will always try to have some parts ready for each release from now on.


Tweakables for the heads are always amazing, you can make so many different faces with the bovine and dragon heads, glad a canine head is getting this treatment. Will it be possible, in the future, to change the heads that dont have tweakables into having some tweakables?