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Should derived characters be visible by default in the cloud?

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If by derived you mean characters created by using others as a base then I'd say yes. Since the original character was also public, derived characters should also. Can't really think of a reason you want to keep your character private unless it's a popular known character which at that point you should either pay the original author to get a private version or commission a new one.


Exactly, derived = using other character as base and uploaded again (likely with tweaks).

Very Scary Dragon

I'd say yes, but categorized somehow so there aren't a million derivations taking up room on the ui, especially when it's a minor change like colors or adding wings or something. Maybe just a checkbox or toggle to distinguish between variations on a single character (categorized with that char somehow), and new characters derived from another model (listed separately).


Don't see why it wouldn't be necessary. However categorize them, to help eliminate clutter.


I'd say yes, but maybe look into something like thingiverse where they're shown as small thumbnails on the page for the original item. That way they can be found fairly easily without cluttering up the browsing too much.


^ Definitely this. Thingiverse's remix system is one of the things it really nails.


Sounds like the optimal solution to me. I'd also add that derivatives made by the original's creator (likely to be variations on textures or genital configurations and such) should be given special prominence, maybe with a golden outline on the thumbnails or something.


@brownmane Oooo I like that. A golden outline and being sorted first in the list would be a neat touch. Being honest derivatives on by default makes me think of e621 with 12 of the same image taking up a full page. It's not that exciting to browse.


I agree that derivatives should show on the original item, but would that really be the only place? Imagine if someone uploads a variation of an old character - unless it was promoted somewhere, it would probably go completely unnoticed! The solution I'm leaning towards now is having derivatives show in the browser by default, but with the option of filtering them away. Plus, derivatives showing up on the original item (they already do), but with thumbnails.

John Vermer

All coment's sounds like "Actually yes, but.....". It's nice to see that we value, however, that after all, many of us have devoted their work, time and creativity to all these original characters and multiple duplication would just clutter the library :D Personally, I think that separate libraries for each original and its derivatives are the most effective solution.

John Vermer

@Yiffalicous_crew Sooner or later all earlier projects will be buried XD That is why I was talking about diverse, multiple tagging. But you right, each of us wants others to enjoy our work and wants to promote our "children". If derivatives will be tagged well with the original, I don't see a problem ;)


Ive only ever seen one derivative until now. Maybe a premature question? Or is them no showing making it difficult?


Maybe the uploader could choose, perhaps the default would be to be hidden on normal pages but could be set otherwise.