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If you only knew the amount of trouble we've had to go through to reach this stage! Getting SSS to play with all our systems and our pipeline has been a huge challenge, but we finally seem to have something that looks promising. This works with our texturing systems and we will implement more layers tailored for SSS to make configuring it a simple matter.

Here you can see what difference it makes to enable sub-surface scattering on a character.

This shader should come in handy for rendering bare skin type characters, such as scalies! But it may also be useful for muzzles and other soft areas. (Use your imagination.)

If all goes according to plan, SSS will be part of the next release.

(SSS on.)

(SSS off for comparison.)



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I love reading about all these technical stuff! keep up the updates!


Oh wow, that looks fantastic!

Cass. Wyvern

That subsurface scattering looks delightful, I always enjoy looking through these updates


Looks really good! Im not sure how il figure out into using it though, other than turning the setting to SSS.