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Hi all!

We hope you're all doing well!

Just writing to let you know that the upcoming release is taking a bit longer than we anticipated. This is partly due to hitting some bumps along the road, but also because of the current world crisis that has cost us some time and energy in preparations.

The images are of the new dragon head and tweakables (+ parts). We've also implemented a new body type - male athletic.

This build will most likely be released tomorrow or Tuesday.

Hope you all have a nice evening!

All the best.

- Yiffalicious crew




You all are still going to be designing a few different species dong eventually, right?


Absolutely. Make sure to create a suggestion ticket in the new cloud once it goes up if you had something specific in mind!

Cass. Wyvern

Yes that dragon boi has a far too human dong


It's all good. You guys stay safe out there!


So let's see, so far we have Bunny, Wolf, And now dragon (I feel as though I am missing one, alas I forget which) so who all remains? Also, How close to completion are you on the main systems for the creator? as in, the systems that the UI connects to and controls?


No worries about the delay, it’s not like you can predict these sorts of things. Good to know you’ve taken appropriate precautions, too. Huh, I figured you'd make them look more like old Ilinír and Frænír. Not that I'm complaining, I like the new look as well, but it’s different so fans of the originals will probably be a little bit disappointed. I guess you’ll be making a tweakable for a more classic look later down the line, though, seems like the obvious thing to do. I did a few experiments in making a lithe-yet-wiry build by tweaking the muscular bodytype, but it proved tricky to get that musclebound mass to behave nicely in many respects. This new addition should prove very useful indeed in that regard. No wings, though? You’re waiting on getting bones for appendages to work for those, I presume, but a few placeholder static poses made from existing assets wouldn’t have gone amiss. Oh well, I guess that’d make for a good project for me to try next, heh.


I mean, there's always more species we can add. I think in the future, the order in which we will implement species will be very much influenced by what users are suggesting in our cloud (we're implementing a suggestion and voting system). I think closest in time (apart from the cloud implementation, which we will gradually implement over the months), the things that remain are fur shading, generic and improved mesh blending (blend parts into body anywhere) and SSS (sub-surface scattering). There's also systems that sort of intersect with interaction systems that need to be implemented, such as shaft unsheathing and erection. (This needs to be implemented in character creator because user needs to preview what that looks like so they can tweak it.) That's just what I can think of on top of my head, but there's probably more.


To be frank, I was a bit surprised as well, but I do like this new look so I don't mind. Perhaps ilinir and fraenir can be imlemented using face types. I'll discuss this with dogson. Props like wings and behavior for them is something we're probably gonna have to tackle further down the road. We currently don't have systems in place that would make such things behave nicely, since that would depend on transferring skinning from body to wings, to an extent, and I've been busy with other things this month (and I'm going to be quite busy with other things for a while). But once we do get to implementing wings, we'll be sure to implement the required systems for skin transfer as well.


As much as everyone probably wants animation builds released im glad you guys are taking the time to completely optimize the character builder first. Wish all devs were smart like that.


I was more so referring to the characters that you would add before starting on the interaction system ,And all those must needs be addressed before you can move onto the interaction systems?


No, the interaction systems don't require a certain amount of characters before we start working on them. They can both be worked on in parallel, since I (odes) am working on the features and dogson on the characters. What's keeping me from working on the interaction systems is all the missing features of the character creator that we want to address first.


Amazing work guys ... sorry if I missed it somwhere else but is the option for exporting your character as an obj working yet ? I know it’s still alpha but all my exports end up messed up and I just want to see if the problem is on my side


Thanks! We're not aware of any bugs regarding our OBJ export. This is the first time we hear of this. We need more information if we're going to be able to figure out what's causing your problems. If you can provide screenshots, obj files, output log etc, that would be very helpful! http://forum.yiffalicious.com/discussion/1984/yl2-how-to-report-issues#latest


Sorry, I'm going through the change log and can see there is 1 item for OBJ export. I totally forgot about that. So hopefully this new release should fix the issue you're having. Let us know!


@RagnaBlade. Definitely fox, cow, horse, and maybe a feline?