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Hi all!

Just summarizing our thoughts on the previous poll.

From the looks of it, when combining the different options, the great majority would prefer to have up & downvotes for submissions, so we will go with that. However, while the individual choice for up & down votes for comments also has the majority, it is not as decisive as the one for submissions. (The combined votes is 45% for and 55% against up & down votes for comments.) Therefore, I don't think it would be right to pick the 45% choice straight off the bat without giving you another chance to vote.

Since Up & down votes for submissions is established, and since only a minority of users would prefer no karma for comments, this new poll has condensed to two choices - likes or up & down votes for comments.

I'm also taking this opportunity to give you some news about the next update. If everything goes as planned, we should have the next release ready sometime next week. Unfortunately, the cloud won't be ready for this release, but we'll have some new content and fixes for you instead. It's likely that the release after the next one (which will feature the cloud) will be closer together.



As much as I love the idea of a constructive community, I can't honestly trust everyone to play nice. So I'll have to say only likes.


Hmm, now this I'm not so sure about, so let me have a think or two... On the one hand, comments aren’t the main content, so one could get away with just the likes, but on the other, karma for comments is also useful for quickly identifying both constructive and helpful posts as well as problem individuals. It really won’t matter, drama-wise, which system is implemented as without karma, one can simply measure the ratio of likes to replies to get roughly similar results when it comes to popularity measurement. The primary issue with karma is that it might muddy things a little. Say you’ve got a creator who makes quality stuff but is a complete and utter asshole as a person. His content might get skipped over when people see he’s got a massively negative karma on his profile, thinking it means his work is shit. Alternatively, people looking for the most popular creators might get a bit frustrated at having to sift through profiles of people who haven’t done much anything special in terms of content but have accrued lots of positive karma for helpful comments. Therefore, it might be best to count submission karma and comment karma separately, with publicly visible counters for each to make it easier for people to see at a glance what sort of person they’re dealing with and to help out with content sorting and searching. I suppose you could achieve similar results with likes, but again, that leaves the problem of how to differentiate between the genuinely hated and the merely ignored, which isn’t as flexible a solution when it comes to searching for content.

Drak Drake

I still think karma for comments is just not really necessary. This isn't StackOverflow, where people are looking for the solution to a problem and it helps to see what the most accurate solution is, it's mostly just going to be people saying how awesome or terrible a video is, with maybe some silly remarks in between that may get an upvote/like because it made someone chuckle. It just seems like a needlessly complex feature for a comment. However, that being said, I don't think it'll matter all that much which one you go for.


I highly vote for Karma on comments. Reason being? As time goes on and the game slows down, there will be less and less likes on comments, or if it's on a scene that's been out for awhile. The last thing you'd want, is a negative comment floating on top of others that have no likes, because it was the most recent comment. Having karma, would at least allow the creator to downvote a negative comments. I highly doubt there would be any raiding on a comment to purposefully make one super negative without reason. The Karma system should be completely universal on scenes, characters, and comments, as voted on before.

Danji Draconid

As much as I would like to do an upvote and downvote karma style system like Reddit, I do worry about brigading against innocent individuals. I voted for just upvotes because the worst stuff will simply stay at 1 or 0 votes while the best stuff could have hundreds if not thousands of upvotes, so it will sort itself out. I think it would be very bad for people who are trying their best to get negative score just based on a fetish or what some could perceive as low effort work but might have taken a great deal of effort from said individual. We should foster a wholly positive community and that starts here. But! Karma for comments makes perfect sense.