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Hey everyone!

Just a small update.

This past month, the majority of time has gone into finishing off Yiffalicious 0.7.2. I must admit that perhaps there wasn't as much heart in this release as in previous ones, and if that showed, I apologize. All we want to do right now is work on YL2, so I think our work on 0.7.2 might have been slightly hampered by this. There are a couple of issues with this release, so we will be posting a patch later on, fixing these and also adding fur to Finn (for those we want it).

Anyway! We've still managed to do some other things during this time that we feel like sharing.


In YL2, we really want to improve how cum works. This will be done in several steps, and below is one of these steps we're taking to improve it:


What you see above is a cum on surface effect. What's special about this particular solution isn't necessarily the way it looks here (that would be really easy to accomplish - if it was static), but rather *how* it is achieved. The implication of our method here is that we'd be able to dynamically splat cum on characters at runtime with this level of quality. No pre-sculpted or pre-defined cum locations etc.

Speech bubbles

As you might know by now, I have a tendency to become inspired by things I see in games (or other media), and wanna try to recreate these. An example of this is the creation space that we talked about in this post.

Last month, I got into this extremely cute and charming indie game "Night in the Woods", featuring anthropomorphic animals. If you haven't checked it out, you definitely should! You can grab it on Steam here.

Anyway. In this game, they have this really cool wooble effect on the speech bubbles (as well as on the actual text), and I thought that was really interesting. So I spent a day figuring out how to do this, and arrived at this solution you can see here:


I'm quite happy how it turned out. The effect works on any font/image, and I'm thinking we might use something like this for YL2, since dialogues will be a thing.

Ok, that's all!

- odes


(No title)


ryu lee

I love this. Hope we get a chance to play it on this month, next month, or the next after month.


Great. Now I need YL2 RIGHT NOW.


A really good dynamic cum system is going to do wonders. I can just imagine completely covering characters in it to a hilarious degree. I get more excited for YL2 with every update!


I'll be bad guy again and say I don't like the order of your priorities. Character editor is NOT necessary, working core of the game IS. In my opinion it would be better to make like two character interaction, one keyframe and step(or however You call it) in one cube like room, sound familiar? All I'm trying too say is "start making game from beginning not from fancy features"


"Making the game from the beginning" is exactly what we're trying to do. So much ties into the character systems, so it's basically a choice between having the interaction systems and the character editor released at the same time, or just the character editor but sooner.


Loving the magic you guys are producing, the speech bubbles are really narly. Maybe the bubble itself is waving a bit too much but meh. I am now also so happy about the new way you will handle cum! But is there more than just cum on x surface? ( Myesss )


The Yl2 team, I have questions, do you use one model and one skeleton for morphing a man and a female character? And will there be a growth slider in the character's editor, if yes do you plan to make it dynamic, to change the size of the character in the game with the help of a timeline? Thank you, you are super and you are making a great game. I wish you every success!!!


We have a custom setup regarding male and females. So you'll be able to blend them to your liking. There will be proportion sliders, including height. I don't think that we're gonna make that keyframeable though. Thank you!


Speech bubbles are a good touch! Definitely adds depth to a scene. Great addition to the project!


I have two questions, 1 will old interactions carry over, 2 What are the anthro races planned for the character creator?


Interactions from Yiffalicious will not carry over to YL2. Races - we'll keep on adding races all the time. Canine seems to be the first race we're implementing though.


I hope you remember that not all users may have perfect vision anymore and make this wobble effect optional. Please?


Hi! can you tel me what you use for this gyazo.com/2be5a205ea84f8ec24df5f64f4c6c2fe this is amazing! this asset or you create it? this work on cpu or gpu?


Gives there any new news?


With the new cum on surface effect, could this be used in similar ways with different liquids, like maybe running water effects in a shower? Speaking of showers, do you guys plan to make the environments more interactable (i.e. opening/closing doors, moving more furniture, etc.) or will it be similar to YL1 with how only certain objects could be moved?