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Hello everyone!

We're making changes to how post visibility is working. From now on, WIP posts will become visible to everyone after 1 week!

So with that in mind, let's sum up what we've been doing, and what lies ahead.

These past couple of months, we've been working on the successor to Yiffalicious, that we simply like to call YL2. This new version is basically a complete rewrite of Yiffalicious, together with a whole bunch of new features (including a character editor). It's essentially a completely new game, although it will have some similarities to the current one. Here's a post giving more details about our vision with this new version:


That text is a bit outdated, so some things have changed since then. The animation system has grown even more advanced and featured than is explained there. In addition to changing poses in each snapshot (now called "steps"), you will also be able to change the interaction _during_ a single step, using a traditional approach of timelines and keyframes. (The word "keyframe" was used in that text, but referred to something more closely resembling "snapshots with different poses", rather than free keyframing functions.) This new keyframing system was covered in more detail in this text (formerly patrons only):


Here's another text showing the progress (formerly patrons only):


We have also been working on updates for the current engine. Last week, we released Yiffalicious 0.7.2, which introduced the new Office level and also a new character - Finn the boarder collie (male).

Right now we're continuing our work on YL2. We asked our patrons what you thought about us trying to get the character editor up and running before completing other modules of the new engine. People seem to have liked that idea, so right now we're implementing character editor systems. The idea is to offer the character editor in the first release of YL2, and where interaction systems will be added later on.

So yeah, that's pretty much it! Hope you're as excited about these things as we are!

All the best.

- odes


(No title)



Fuck yeah guys! I am hella excited!!


WOW! You're quite nice to just followers too !

Ezyk Jaraad

OMG that poser is so much better!


Having seen the nodes on the chest, the question arose: is it to interact with another character? It turns out that, for example, if one of the characters keeps say the left breast, then it seems to stick to the hand holding, and the second still obeys the physics of the engine. I'm right? If so, then it's super! You can also play with clothes, if you enter it (it would be desirable), for example, a narrow shirt presses the chest and does not give it freedom of movement (just realized with the help of these additional nodes).


When will there be humans? :(((


If you want human just mod Skyrim or use SFM, this isn't that type of game.


I'm looking forward to YL2, you guys have done a great job. I can't to see what's in store for this.


No concrete plans to include humans at this point. That may change, but right now Yiffalicious and YL2 are anthro-only apps.


lol it's literally called yiffalicious, why does the lack of humans surprise you?


Thank you for creating us a nice games <3


Just can't wait to see all the new stuff! <3 XD


Neat! What are the limitations with character creator? Will we be able to increased the size of breasts and ass as well as muscle mass? Can we create our own hair styles and fur shades? Most of all will we be able to publish characters and even have some sort of rating system?


You'll be able to tweak body proportions, including muscle mass, breast and ass size. Hair stylization - we have a few ideas but too early to share. Custom coloration is something we'll cover in a future post (very soon). Characters will be shareable like interactions.