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A bit of dark poetry tonight, something bleak and beautiful.


All we really wanted was a moment without fear, a moment to simply enjoy whatever meaningless little pleasures we can draw from the veins of this world. But fear is like any other drug, once you let it inside it changes something deep within your mind. It becomes addictive, it becomes the only thing that can stimulate, arouse and inspire whatever remaining sense of life exists within the bloated carcass we call modern culture. An ever onward march towards mediocrity in pursuit of that elusive dopamine drip.

We would chase our fears to the ends of the earth for just one more taste of its sweet nectar. Dripping down on our eager faces, we look up and thank the purveyors of our torment. We’ve been terrorized, robbed of our innocence and we simply could not be any more grateful.

We’ve swallowed every horrible drop in pursuit of some false sense of purpose. Delighting in our own delusion. But we’re no better off than when we began. Completely numb, desperate for our next fix. So get down on your knees and get ready to receive, because at least when it’s inside you, you can feel anything at all.


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