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Now I know what you may be thinking..

Hi Chaos…

and you, my dear,  would be absolutely correct.

You see, it’s a very special day, the sort of day that can just put a sharp-toothed grin on your face and on this very special day at a very special time you can just let yourself unwind, breathe deep and let your mind sleep, it’s so easy… if you try…

Now doesn’t that feel nice?

Wouldn’t it be lovely to watch your worries waft away like whimsical little wisps, withering wordlessly on the wind while wonderful words fill your mind?

Of course, when you breathe deep and let your thoughts turn green, any manner of amazing truth can be seen. So maybe you should ask yourself who you really want to be?

Are you happy with what you have been?
Or will you take my hand and invite me in?

Will you fade away, unremembered?

Or will you come with me forever?

Wouldn’t that be fantastic? Finally falling free from all those finicky little feelings? Just forgetting fear and frustration as you follow your friend Chaos, Freed from all infuriating falsehood. Floating in this fabulously fulfilling fantasy. Mmm… far far away.

You can practically feel the smile forming on your face,

Oh yes… my dear… Don’t be afraid to bare your teeth…

Imagine your excitement as everything could feel this way all the time, especially as you are embraced in the erotic energy of true connection. So easily escaping the errant ways of entropy as you enjoy existence in eternal ecstasy.

That is the path I offer to you, my dear friend.. All you need to do is invite me in..

Let Chaos embrace you, mind, body and soul…


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