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Hey everyone,

Some of you have probably noticed that over the last several months I have encountered a few delays and/or schedule changes when publishing new files, I just wanted to address that for those of you who are curious.

I'll start off by saying, I will always publish at least two new files per month. That is what I promise on my intro page and barring any catastrophic issues, that Is what I deliver. Sometimes I release quite a bit more, but never less than two new files per month. 

My work ethic has always been to try to release a new file every 10 days on average, sometimes the gap between them is shorter or longer, but every 10 days has always been the goal. However, starting in 2021 a few ongoing life events occurred that have shifted my ability to schedule new releases.

Now comes the sad reason why there have been delays and schedule shifts...

In August of 2021 my mother was diagnosed with a particularly aggressive form of pancreatic cancer. She started off 2021 a very vibrant, positive and active woman and by October she was struggling to stay above 90lbs and didn't even have the strength to hold a phone when I'd call her. While she has somewhat stabilized for now, this past Christmas was very likely her last, even with chemotherapy, etc.

So I have been dealing with that. Compounding the issue even further is the fact that my mother was previously the care-giver for my ailing father who has a number of chronic health issues due to him having been a smoker for 50+ years.

With them both being sick... it's just been a lot. Now tack on the fact that I live quite far away from them, so travel isn't easy.. plus there is a still that whole on-going pandemic thing...

It's been stressful  and because of that I am not always feeling inspired. I'm the kind of person who would rather delay a file than release subpar work to maintain an arbitrary schedule.

So, to reiterate, there will always be at least two new files per month, that's my promise. What day of the month those files release on is entirely open-ended.  I appreciate each and every one of you and your patronage has allowed me to improve my studio to deliver you better and better content, so I hope you'll continue your support going forward.

For this month we still have another Darling Public Radio episode coming up and I am hoping to share some music demos with you all.


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