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Hey everyone!

This release is a collaboration between myself and one of my absolute favorite NSFW caption writers, Evie Hyde. She came up with the original idea and I expanded on it and turned it into an audio roleplay about a college girl getting turned into a total spoiled brat by a trendy new app!!

You can find the full text below. If you enjoy this file, be sure to check out Evie's other content and let us know what you think of this (and there might be more in the future!)

Find the original caption here: https://twitter.com/MissEvieHyde/status/1437679957669552133

Find Evie Hyde's content here:

Original Caption & Story Idea by Evie Hyde
Additional writing, voice acting and sound design by Chaos Doll

Day 1
Hey guys! My friend Evie recommended this new game called Brat-App. It looks kinda fun and you all know I need a way to relax after studying so hard. But I didn't think something like this would interest me, it seems so fashion and beauty obsessed, you know? But it's strangely compelling, at least my avatar kinda looks like me. It's a bit annoying that you have to spend 'Bratpoints' to buy the premium outfits though.
Day 2
Sooo yeah, I'm still trying out Brat-App. I figured out the Bratpoints system this morning. I earned my first points for spending time, like, doing my avatar’s hair. Oh and then I just got another hundred for spending at least 30 minutes browsing for new clothes… i mean, for my avatar.
The app says I've earned enough Bratpoints to enter the social simulation and compete against other girls. Whatever that means. The app makes it sound like some kind of popularity contest or something..
Day 3
Oh my gosh, you guys.. Brat-App is seriously addictive. I'm rising through the ranks surprisingly fast. Believe it or not, I ditched those dorky glasses on my avatar, I probably looked like a total nerd, huh?. I cut my study time short for the rest of the week so I can focus on the app. I can’t win if I don’t play, right? And besides, who needs absolutely perfect grades, anyways? Nothing feels better than beating other girls by a few hundred Bratpoints.
Day 4
Heya! It’s your fave Brat-App blogger, I mean that's totally all I post about anymore, right? Soo, hey.. the blonde hair upgrade was like sooo totally worth it. I had to ummm complete, like, umm some more harderer challenges, sooo that meant cutting class today, but whatever…
Oh, uh.. I got like 600 Bratpoints for totally changing how my avatar talks.. Um, I learned, like, uhh a whole new dialec..dia.. Umm.. speech thingy! But guess what?! Here's the best part! Now I'm suuuper seriously close to being number one in my whole school. My avatar is getting, like, sooo cute for reals...
Day 5
O.M.G. you guyz! My room looks totally wayyyy betterer now that I ditched all that stupid stuff. Like.. Astronomy posters? What was I even thinking? Like who needs dictionaries and chemistry sets when you can have more room for makeup and clothes? Ugh!
Brat-App is super awesome, by the way. Hashtag Brat For Life. One of my old friends got totes mad at me for playing it, like seriously, I ditched all of my loser friends that I used to have - I mean, come on, computer lab and chess club? What are we, nerds? - ugh gawd they're soooo pathetic.
Day 6
Hey! Pay attention! I totes did it! As of this morning, your fave Brat-App player made it all the way to the top of her school. That’s right, peeps! Number one brat here! Queen fucking bee! Like, I soooo knew I could do it too! ‘Cuz I’m amazing!! I'm like THE best brat.
All I had to do was go full on mean girl. So what if I had to bully a few people who used to think they were my friends? They're sooooo pathetic and it feels soooo good to push them around and get what I want. I fucking LOVE being a brat.
Day 7
Oh my freakin gawd  - Just when I thought i’d totes won Brat-App, like a freakin ton of hot new challenges just popped up!  But, like.. They’re so awesome I can’t even decide what to do first! Should I go for 'Get a sugar Daddy' or 'Become a Social Media influencer'? It even says I can earn 1000 Bratpoints if I promise lewds to my 10,000 followers! That’s amaaazing!
Oh My God! Guyz!! Pay attention to me.. I just need to keep earning bratpoints - I wanna get brattier and brattier till there's nothing left but pretty pink bratness. So make sure you check out Brat-App today! Hashtag Sugar baby, Hashtag Spoiled Brat Forever! Hashtag Thanks Evie!




This was soooo good! Def need brat hypnosis in my life