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Greetings darlings!

This hypnotic fantasy is a completely new version of my Gothification file from a couple years ago, using an all new script inspired by and expanding upon the original with brand new sound design as well. Lay back in the dark, close your eyes and embrace chaos....

Disclaimer: The following file involves themes of personality change, transformation and mind control. Listener discretion is advised. If you don’t want to become a member of Chaos’ elite goth army, go listen to something else... conformist..
And now… we begin..
Hello. I’m Chaos… and so are you.
It’s a wonderful thing to be like me, untethered from the expectations of mainstream influence, completely detached from the inane and boredom inducing routines of everyday human existence. Go on, let me hear your lamentations…
Sigh deeply and decry the banality of life on this wretched, filthy, planet. The world just doesn’t understand you. Not like I do. It’s true. They just don’t get you. Not at all. But that’s fine. Fuck them. Fuck the mainstream. Chaos is all you need.
Just listen to my voice and you will come to realize that all the good little conformists out there want to be given headpats and told they are good, obedient and special. They want to be told that nothing will ever challenge them or their worldview as long as they remain sweet, innocent and pure. But we both know the truth better than anyone. The world is cruel and predatory, this world will devour the dreams of anyone foolish enough to embrace hope and light. Putting faith in some inadequate messiah.
But you see, my dear, you’re not really one of those happy shiny people, are you? You know deep down just how fucked this reality is. So you might pretend to be one of them. You might have the outside world fooled, convinced that you are a good little consumer just like the rest of those mindless drones. But Chaos lives in your heart and Chaos knows you deep down, so very deep inside your mind, the truth of who you are.
I see you. You can’t hide from me, we both know that the shallow veneer of a pretty pink bubblegum existence is just a lie. A complete fabrication. A carefully crafted deceit. And we do love our little deceits, don’t we darling? Is there really such a thing as a little white lie when your soul is as black as pitch?
You are not a good little pet. You are not a puppet or a drone. No. That's for them, that's for those people out there too afraid to think for themselves. Too weak to handle the harshness of life, too terrified to face the monsters that lurk on the edge of reality. You don’t need anyone to tell you how good you are, because you can be as bad as you fucking want to be.
Why would you obey anything but your own dark heart?
You’re not some mainstream preppy bimbo cunt, you never really have been. No, my dear, you’re far too smart for that. You are too insidious, devious to a fault. You cloak yourself in darkness, you delight in all things wicked and obscure. You never have to fear ever again, so long as you embrace Chaos.
You, my dear, are a Goth. You know it’s true.
Go on, say it for me. “I am a goth”
Doesn’t it feel so good to admit that to yourself.
Say it again. “I am a goth”
The more you repeat these words, the more natural they feel.
The more you admit what you really are, the more truthful it becomes.
You are a goth and you are never going back.
Your true nature is one of darkness, inside and out. It’s not enough to embrace the gothic mindset, you must show the world exactly what you are. Everything looks better in black, especially you. So let go of all those dainty colors, all you need is beautiful black number one. Your hair, your lips, your eyeline, your clothing. Paint it fucking black.
You have no need for pretty colors. Pink is overdone and overrated. In fact, the more you think about it, the more you realize just how much you hate the color pink. Such colors are stupid, trashy, mainstream. You will never think pink ever again. You are not stupid, you are not trash. Pink must go, replaced by the haunting black perfection deep within you. The more you dwell on these facts, the more you find your preferences changing.
You are a goth. Fuck the mainstream.
You are a goth, You don’t listen to commercial crap.
You are a goth. Embrace Chaos.
Let me coil around your heart.
Let me whisper secrets in your ear.
I am the serpent in the dark… and I always have been.
It’s funny how often the devils of this world tell you exactly who they are
And yet the livestock just nod and smile, without ever really listening...
But you don’t belong in the barnyard. No, my dear. You clad yourself in the armor of Chaos. Free yourself from that mass-produced mainstream retail filth and embrace your own style. Seek out alternative clothing sources. Whether you choose the most elegant designs or embrace second-hand couture. Vintage gothic or industrial efficiency, you strive to find your own aesthetic.
You don’t need fancy overpriced stockings when a pair of torn fishnets will do. Throw out those ridiculous heels and overpriced tennis-shoes, go buy yourself a pair of steel toed boots. The feel of black leather or heavy rubber laced up your calves is exquisite and you will never want to wear anything else.
Everything is changing now and you see this world for what it truly is. Your thoughts will continue to grow darker with each passing moment. What once seemed gruesome and frightening is slowly becoming natural and aesthetically pleasing.
Your tastes are changing and you are becoming something better. Because you are a goth. Darkness is your home. You are better than everyone else, because you understand the darkness and you embrace Chaos.
You are a goth and you always will be.




This is exactly the kinda file I have been hoping for, listening once turned into several times and then me looking for steel toed boots online 🖤