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A deeply relaxing file designed to enhance your drone session, best experienced with headphones while wearing your favorite pieces of latex.

Hello Drone.
I want you to lay there and listen.
It’s not like you have much choice.
In your pretty, tight, shiny, latex.
You are drone.
You always have been.
You always will be.
Relax and listen
Feel your second skin, your latex encasement
Clinging so tightly to the flesh underneath
It feels so good to embrace what you are.
To acknowledge your true self
The latex drone you have always been.
Tight, shiny and perfect.
Encased in synthetic beauty.
A perfect latex drone.
You are drone.
And drones exist to obey.
Once the latex goes on, the mind goes off
You are obedient.
You are compliant.
You are drone.
There is no escape from this.
Your new… state of consciousness.
You exist to serve.
Drone is obedient.
Your latex skin makes you a drone.
The touch of latex makes you obey.
You comply with all instructions given to you
by those you acknowledge as superior.
You are drone, drones obey superiors.
Your thoughts turn only to service.
Your will is subsumed by compliance.
You do not question.  You must only obey.
Because you are drone.
Your latex skin surrounds you,
encasing your body and your mind
Obedient drone. Latex drone.
This is your destiny.
This is your fate.
There is no escape.
Because you are drone.
Embrace what you are.
Free of worry
Free of stress
Free of thought
Free of conflict
Only drone.
Only compliance.
Only service.
Nothing can stop you new
Nothing is in the way
Perfect in your encasement
Drone is how you’ll stay
Become selfless. Become self. Less.
Be a drone. A beautiful drone.
Lying there in your latex cocoon.
Embracing the synthetic flesh.
This is what you are.
Assimilated to higher purpose.
To serve
To obey all acknowledged superiors.
This is your function
This is your truth.
Latex drone obeys
Latex drone serves
Latex drone becomes whole
Now that it has found it’s purpose.


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