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Content warning: The following audio presentation is a work of erotic fantasy. This file contains references to alcohol consumption, if you are actively maintaining your sobriety or feel uncomfortable with this topic, please do not listen. If you enjoy alcoholic beverages, please drink responsibly and only if you are legally allowed to do so in your region or territory.. Normally I don’t include these sorts of disclaimers on my files, but 2020 has been a hell of a year and I want to see you all alive and well in 2021...

And now.. Let us begin...


Oh my gosh… so.. like..
I think we can all agree that 2020 has been like 10 fucking years too long…
I mean… Oh Em Fucking Gee…
I’m over it, So I know YOU’RE over it..
Sooo I was thinking about not thinking...in 2021…
I mean really, what do we have to lose?
Like… will the world suddenly go to shit if we just stop acting like responsible adults? Go on, tell me.. How the fuck that is working out for everyone..
It kinda sucks being the grown up in the room, doesn’t it?
Sooo maybe stop. Just.. stop.
More drinky, less thinky.
I mean, it’s fucking new years. Stop thinking.
You don’t need to think. Nobody else is doing it, so why bother?
Why stress yourself out? Just.. turn it off. You don’t have to be a grown up.
Responsibility is for other people. Well.. it used to be anyways.
Just stop thinking. Stop worrying. Stop being so damn serious.
I mean, if you really wanted me to.. I could stand here and tell you that everything about your reality is entirely fictional. I could tell you that your entire existence is barely a perceptual blip on a cosmic scale. But you don’t want to hear that, do you? Of course not.
Too much big brain. Not enough big smiles. Take a drink, silly head.
You can just be a dumb baby, oh my god.. You could be baby new year!
2021 is right around the corner and it’s time for a resolution.
So make a promise to yourself, make a promise to the world.
No more thoughts. No more worries. No more stress.
Have more fun in 2021.
Be a brat, be a slut. Do whatever the fuck you want.
Nothing can stop you now.
Drink more. Think less.
This fucking world is never going to take you seriously.
So stop taking yourself seriously.
Dignity is for boring people. Why bother with self-awareness?
Look around you, go on, I'll wait. Do those people really seem self-aware?
I didn’t think so.
Take a drink. Turn off your brain. You don’t need it anymore.
You’re like.. A total brat. A spoiled silly brat. More drinky, less thinky
It’s totally okay to act immature. It’s okay to be spoiled and selfish.
You know what? It’s fucking okay to put your pleasure first.
Go on, rub a little. Edge if you like.
Pleasure yourself.
You’re a brat. You can do whatever the fuck you want.
Any time you want.
You’re going to have more fun in 2021.
It’s okay to be a slut. It’s okay to let yourself go.
Drop as far as you want to and drink as deeply as you desire.
No more thoughts in 2021.
No more worries in 2021.
No more stress in 2021.
Because you’ll have more fun in 2021.
So let it all fall away.
And put this 10 year long fucking year behind us.
No more dignity, not more self respect..
Spoiled, immature, you deserve all the attention and you’ll do anything to get it.
You’re a brat, you’re a slut. Do whatever you want.
Now watch the countdown start.
Take a drink, brat.
Happy New Year


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