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Do you ever feel like you aren't meeting your earning potential? The fine men at Slutworks Incorporated have developed a new and rewarding program for the career minded woman!

Disclaimer: This file is an erotic narrative/roleplay styled after an FM Radio recruitment advertisement. It deals heavily with themes of prostitution, corporate capitalism, male dominance and workplace sexism. This is a work of erotic fantasy and not meant to be taken seriously.

Attention ladies!
They say a woman’s work is never done and truer words have never been spoken!
In this modern world each and every one of us must earn our place. In order to be seen, heard and felt we must stand apart from the everyday basic bitch, we must overcome the obstacles of modesty and shyness. Our greatest assets must always be on display if we wish to achieve financial success!
Sure, it’s quite easy for an unambitious woman to achieve a sense of security through domestic servitude and wifely obedience, but the smart men at Slutworks Incorporated understand that a discerning and career-minded women desires more out of life and that is why they have given me the privilege of telling you about a new and exciting career enhancement opportunity!
Introducing the Working Happily On Responsible Earnings program or W.H.O.R.E.
This program will guide you towards becoming your best self, teaching you the skills necessary to become a dedicated earner. Courses include oral presentation, asset management, enhancing your marketability, becoming the perfect product and how to understand the benefits of strong economic stimulation from anywhere in the world, even your own bedroom!
As a newly recruited WHORE, Slutworks Incorporated will be happy to help you network with the kind of Men who will ensure that you achieve a pleasurable outcome in the workplace. Are you tired of struggling to find the right position? Stop worrying your pretty little head and let a Man guide you to where you belong! Freedom and opportunity await... and Slutworks Incorporated. can show you the way.
If you sign up now, Slutworks Incorporated will include a complete aesthetic assessment and augmentation at no additional charge, start your new career path the right way, by looking your absolute best, the men at Slutworks Incorporated will deliver feedback that you simply cannot resist! And it’s absolutely free!
You have nothing to lose, so act now! Are you worried that you don’t have the skills? Don’t be afraid to make that call, you can still earn so much while knowing so little! If you want to move up in the world, you have to start on your knees, so Call Slutworks today and ask about the Working Happily On Responsible Earnings program today.
That’s Slutworks Incorporated. Training tomorrow’s WHORES today!
Still not convinced? Trust me, I know how great this program is. I’m not just the former CEO, I’m also a client! My life used to be so hard and stressful, but now I just make people smile while they throw money at me, it’s like… total financial freedom! I can feel the trickle down economics on my thighs already! Right is right, so what could possibly go wrong?
Just listen closely to this message from Slutworks Conditioning!
You are an object.
You exist to be pretty.
Your body is a product.
Always on display.
Men are Masters
Money is God
Sex is profitable.
Men are always right.
You love money.
You love sex.
Your thoughts belong to Men.
Right is right.
You will always be a whore.
Men control money.
Money controls you.



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