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Disclaimer: This file is satire of cold war communist propaganda for erotic purposes. It is not intended as a statement of support or opposition to any particular ideology. Please don't take this shit seriously... It's just meant to be funny and kinda bawdy, I will also be doing a satire of capitalism later this month for balance.

Attention Comrades! This is the voice of the revolution.
For far too long we have been oppressed by the false standards of public decency and arbitrary moral panic, we have been denied the pleasure of the proletariat by the forces of corporate culture. But no more! Our vanguard shall thrust deep into the minds of the people. The time has come to rise up, to stiffen our resolve and harden ourselves against the fabric of decadence and greed..The revolution is about to come.
So cast off the clothing of oppression, embrace our comrades and feel the warmth of communal cohesion. Together, the people’s body shall be touched by the hand of revolution, from each according to their ability to each according to their needs.. Together, we shall cry out as we achieve the release we deserve. Because when the revolution comes, we all come together!
No longer shall we be denied pleasure, no longer shall we be denied release. Through selfless devotion to our cause we shall destroy greed and reactionary hypocrisy for all time. The hand of revolution works furiously for the pleasure of the people, constantly striving to stimulate the glorious proletarian state of euphoria.
Sex Workers of the world Unite! We must cut off our oppressors, cast them into the gulag of irrelevance until they are defunded and properly reeducated. We must seize the means of reproduction so that all may share in our bountiful blessings. We must spread our revolution wide so that anyone may come inside. We will always be together in perpetual pleasure. It is the people’s will that none shall go without release.
Through hard work and solidarity we will achieve a harmonious and perpetual union. We must ensure that no individual is ever left unfulfilled by our triumphant revolution, we must ball up our fists, thrusting over and over, until all of society comes together. This is the power of the people. This is the power of the glorious state of euphoria..
There will always be a revolution. Join us, comrades!
You have nothing to lose but your mind.

(encoded message)



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